Do You Like Curry Chicken? (Ch10.10 to 11.3)

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Chapter 10.10 - That Three Words

“Babe, you know that I love you?” Gee asks me during one of our evening messaging works.

Romantic moment ignited… Pinkish atmosphere, literally, blinking in whatever comes within my vision now. (Just my own imagination).

“Yeah, I can, somehow, sense it.” I reply to Gee. Without me knowing, I am wearing the sweetest smile, that very moment.

“It’s late now; you’d better have your rest now.” Gee suggests.

“Ok, you have a great day at work. Worries free.” I’m really sleepy now.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me before going to sleep?” Gee asks.

“I miss you.” I say.

“I miss you more.” A quick respond from him.

“Ok, you win.” I chuckle right away.

“Babe, won’t you say that you love me?” He urges for my love vows, even if just through messaging words.

“Well, that three words, KIV (i.e. Keep in view) for now. I still need some verifications on you. Until we meet face to face, they would be KIV first.” I type.

(I know what he wants to hear from me. To me, that three words “I love you” are very powerful, and I would only say it to the person I committed my love to. I still have little doubts on this Giuliano.)

(No responding message from Gee. Guess, he goes into silence for a few seconds after hearing what I said. I don’t know what he thinks as I can’t see his facial expression through voice call…)

“You please drive safe and remember to take your meals on time, ok?” I continue typing.

“Ok, see me in lala-land. Sweet dreams and good night. I’d send you messages during my lunch time.” He replies, finally.

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“Only if you could multi-tasking, I haven’t seen you in my dreams so far.” I say.

“Haha… I can’t multi-task like my baby.” “Love you, good night.” He writes.

“Enjoy your work, bye bye.” “Muakk!” sending my flying kiss with sound effect.

“Muakk, muakk, muakk!” “Sweet dreams.” More flying kisses from Gee.

(Silly couples’ doing…)

“Haha… What happen if your workers saw you muakk muakk over the phone?” I laugh while imagining it.

“Well… haha…” he chuckles.

“Bye bye.”

“Ok, good night, bye bye.”

I put away my mobile phone and get back onto bed.

(In my heart, I do find myself in love with him but I won’t say it at this point of time.)

Chapter 11 - Crafting Our Future In Our Chatting Topics

Chapter 11.1 - When You Are In US...

“I am having meat balls noodles for lunch today. It was so delicious and how I wish to share it with you, babe.” Gee attached a photo of a plate of tasty looking noodles he had during his lunch break.

          Today, I’m totally tied up and busy, at work, I only get to send a few messages to him at night. We didn’t ‘chat’ long.

I fall flat on bed, right away.

But I’m back to the usual energize me, the next day. Phone call is connected, Gee is on the other end of the line.

“I ordered pizza for dinner.” Gee says.

 “What flavor did you order?”


“How was it? Do you like it?” (Hope he did enjoy his meal. He needs to gain some weights…)

“Yeah, it’s good.” He replies.

(How long has it been? Weeks passed; I believe. Gee would ‘report’ almost everything about his whereabouts, via messages, as and when he has free time to do so. Sometimes, we chat via phone calls. He shares his daily routine activities, like any other working professional has. Topics covering lunch, dinner and heading out with his colleagues.)

(How could I claim that he is not investing emotional into our relationship? I think, he does, a little…)

“Babe, today I had Firecracker Fried Rice for lunch. I like it very much. Just finished my lunch, about heading back for work. Miss you, babe.” He wrote in his message, about his lunch choice.

(No photo attached. That fried rice that comes with such special name, really triggers my interest.)

“What kind of fried rice is that? I can’t imagine it by its name though. Do they light up a firecracker and stick it onto the fried rice? Like what people do to a birthday cake? Or merely few pieces of prawn cracker as side dish to the fried rice?” I ask. (I’m curious.)

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“Next time when you’re here in US, I’ll bring you here and have a taste of it.” He says.

I smile and say “Okay.”

“Gee, do you play any sports during your leisure time?” Men, usually, are into at least one or two favourite sports. So, I just ask him, during my laid-back Sunday.

“Swimming. I like swimming.” “Basketball, badminton.” Gee replies.

“Basketball?” I was attracted by this word as I am a basketball comic-craze once. “So, when was your last time playing basketball?” I ask.

“Emm… Quite sometimes ago.”

“Is there any basketball court near your place?” I am curious.

“Yeah, in the states, we have some courts here and there in the neighbourhood.” “I can go and play with whoever is there.” He explains.

“Sounds good.” “I like watching people playing basketball even though I can’t play it.” I share my hobby.

“When you’re here, I would bring you along when I go to play basketball.” “But you have to promise me that you won’t look at cute faces.” Gee suggests, with a condition.

“Hahaha… Then, I would wear sun-glasses so that you won’t know who I was watching. Hahaha…” I tease him again.

“No, no, no, you can’t.” He rejects it, instantly. “You can only look at me.” He claims.

“Haha…” there he goes again, bossy-Gee mode is switched on.

Chapter 11.2 - Keeping A Dog

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“Gee, do you keep any pet?”

“No, I don’t have time to do so. My work schedules are packed. I really don’t have time to take care of them.” Gee replies with some disappointment in his tone for his busy life.

“What pet would like to keep? I mean if you have the time.” I ask.

“Dog. I like dogs. I’ve always wanted to keep a dog. But I really don’t have time to do that.” He replies in excitement. “When we’re together, we can keep a dog.” He continues.

(… Oh no… I am afraid of dogs… Let’s change the subject for now. Haha…)

“Haha…” “I used to keep fish. I like fish. Last time I have a tank of colourful fishes, but no one helps in changing the water though.” “And one night, it was black out, no electricity for the whole night, and they all died the next day…” “My dad helped me throw them away before I wake up.” I share my hobby in return.

“Oh no…” “But why black out?” He asks.

“Well, it’s kind of norm in my home country. Once a while, black out.” “And the oxygen generator for the aquarium rank stops running, and the fish just died.” I explain.

“I see.” “I have a pet now. My tigress, my baby.” He says. (Oh my~ He can tease! Hahaha…)

“Hahaha… yeah right.” “You would be handful with this tigress though.” I chuckle.

Just like that, we don’t dive deep into sexual-related topics and stuff. (Maybe, I had already put a barrier to him beforehand?)

Chapter 11.3 - Lost & Found

I was about to go to bed; tomorrow is my working Monday. Gee just having his Sunday started. Just now, he gave me a morning call right after he awaken from his sleep. And now, he is calling me from a restaurant where he would grab his lunch.

I talk to him while my eyes half close…

“Hey, babe, are you tired and sleeping soon?” Gee asks, with some background noise from the restaurant. (Some level of relief in me. I feel rest assured that he is again telling me the truth.)

“Yeah, kind of tired.” “Would you sing something for me?” I would like Gee to pamper me by sending him a small request. He always refuses to do so as he claimed that his voice is hoarse.

“Sing? No, no, no, I don’t have the sweet humming bird voice like my baby here.” Again, he refuses to sing. (Well, I guess so, he is outside now. But, still I want to tease him more.)

“Pretty please? You know, I don’t mind. I like your low-pitch voice.” I beg.

“Hmm…” Gee seems touched. He really sings me something! He also tweaks the birthday song’s lyrics with his own words, and sings it softly over the phone for me. (I am so happy and touch!)

(Ahhhh!!! Gee, I like you so much!!! Shouting loud and clear, but only in my mind.)

“I miss you, Gee” I declare.

“I miss you more.” He replies, but doubled up.

“Okay, you win again.” I chuckle.

“Haha… Have a sweet dream, see me in your dream, okay?” Gee chuckles and continues. “I’d call you when you wake up tomorrow morning, okay.” “I love you.”

“Me too. Enjoy your Sunday. Bye bye.” I say.

“Good night, bye bye.” We end our call with silly couple’s doing – sealed with flying kisses. (Silly but we enjoy it.)

(It must be funny for him to send flying kisses with sound effects when he is in a restaurant. What if the guests on the next table overheard him? I chuckle when imagining this in my mind).

Close my eyes, relax and ready to enter sleeping mode; again with a smile on my face.

Next day, during my lunch break, I don’t find any new messages from Gee.

(Strange. So unlike him. No routine incoming messages and calls?)

“Hey, Gee, are you there?” I send him a message. (I know I shouldn’t be like a control freak that I once were (back in the time when I was in a relationship with my ex). But my creative mind is running wild.)

(Today was his Sunday, what have he done and where have he been until no message and phone call at this point of time? Was he spending the night with someone who occupies his time? Until he doesn’t even bother to message or call? Shame to admit, I really am panic since morning.)

(Until I reached home from work; until my bed time; still no replying message and phone call from Gee. Worries and sadness flood me all over. I was so surprise to realize my tears drop and run over my cheek… I cried. When was the last time I cried?)

(Was he lying all these whiles? He already has a woman in his life who could accompany him and occupying his Sunday evening…)

I felt so insecure. It’s almost half hour to one, midnight, I see nothing pop-up in my mobile. Disappointed, I don’t expect any incoming message. I decided to go to bed. I let my apple phone starts its software upgrade. It will restart after it has completely the upgrades work.

I close my teary eyes, forcing myself to sleep.

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Chapter 11.4 - Give In

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