siberian cat, cat, pet-6465485.jpg
Meow~ (happy)

Meow~ Meow~

When the author is in MEOW~ mode…

“What do you think?”

“Do you have any better idea?”


DANGER! “Run For Your Life”

When the author’s anger is triggered…

“You have a smart brain, use it.”

“It’s not for decoration purposes!”

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Grrr... (Anger triggered)
Still Here?
you've done well! (applause.)



Can be easily seen:

– is one who appreciates sense of humor. I often laugh out loud even over a small joke.

– is one who loves to crack some jokes in the conversation (just feel like lighten the mood).

– is a foodie that can’t handle vege! Aim to ‘Live to Eat’ instead of ‘Eat to Live’. I can’t handle most of the dark green leafy vegetables… I tried. No coriander; basil is okay; no starfruit; durian is okay… No specific category.

– is one who has music juke box played 24/7 in her brain. Enjoy humming songs or singing while walking, even at work. Literally, torture others’ ears with my “still-need-some-improvement” vocal.

– is one who can be chatty (when the topic clicks) or extremely quiet (when the topic doesn’t interest me). But don’t worry about me, I’m fine, either way.  


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Oh, an elegant white tiger!

Need some observation works:

– is one who can start a conversation with anyone on any general topics. Young or old, man or woman, rich or poor, well-educated or not; it doesn’t matter, let’s chat. But if one emits extremely bias view or negative vibes, then I would excuse myself.

– is a comics or manga-craze. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I can immediately play the scene in my mind and laugh alone while reading comics on the couch.

– is one who loves nature (flowers, plants and greenery). But I can’t step into the nature reserves too much as mosquitoes love me! Even if I applied load of mosquito repellent, still, they bite me! I’m loved, I guess…

– is adventurous in trying new art works and sports (mostly hand-related). E.g. cooking, wood carving, gardening, archery, air-riffles and so on. Next… I would like to try playing bamboo flute. 😉

– is one who loves to ‘watch’ animals but no PHYSICAL contact please! “Don’t come closer to me!” The Tigress shouts. (Scared-cat or Tigress?)

– is one who kept fish as pet, years back. Why fish? “Well, the fishes will swim away when I put my hand into the tank (cleaning the fish tank), no PHYSICAL contact. Haha~” The Tigress proudly says. 

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There is a tiger in this photo. Can you spot it?

Only if I tell:

– is one whose monkey mind often running wild, having non-stop positive debates in her mind. 

– is one who still wants to share her thoughts and ideas to many. “Can we do this?” “How about this way?” I believe in ‘There’s a will, there’s a way’. It’s just whether one wants to do it or not.

-is one who feels sad when witnessing the selfish or bias in other’s thought or act when people handling matters. “Why would you do that? What good does it bring you?” “Can’t we practice harmony in our daily life?” Is what The Tigress keep asking them (in her mind). 

– is one who strive for further improvement and creativity. I love encouraging people to be creative as well. Do things in a more efficient way and value-added.

– is one who tries to understand the gist in those useful wisdom quotes and tries to take in what’s good into her own self-improvement. Learning is never ending!

– is not an early-bird. I don’t like to wake up early… “Let me get back to sleep. Another 10mins…” “Another half an hour.” (“Don’t wake me up” was what I actually want to say.) 

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It's camouflage and well-hidden

"With the willingness to communicate and sharing ideas,
actually, BETTER DAY is within reach."
"Don't you think so?" The Tigress thinks...

Get In Touch

I’d love to hear from you. 

Whether you have a question, comment or just some thoughts or ideas that came across your mind. 

Positive debate is welcome.