Designers, Can You Do Something About It?

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What a nostalgic photo we have here! That photo caught my attention effortlessly, when I browsed through the e-news page. The photo in black and white captured the professional shot of the late ‘King of Rock and Roll – Elvis Presley’. He is one of my favourite singers. Of course I have a playlist of his songs in my mobile phone. I would definitely sing along when my mood strikes. Truly in love in his vocal and love songs. 😉 I clicked into this news link and read its contents under the header ‘Famous people died in the bathroom’. I knew and had read about how Elvis passed away before. Still, can’t help to feel sad to see people passed away before the average life expectancy (i.e. the latest figures are 78.5 years). Well, I think once human reaches 60 years old, every day after that where he or she can still open their eyes welcoming the next day, is already a GIFT. Wow… So many celebrities passed away in the same way – drown when they were in the bath tub. Let’s put aside the drug substance that some of them took before drowning in their bath. That was one’s habit and choice, and they should bear the consequences from their action. Aside from those celebrities’ names and photos mentioned in this news, actually, there are more similar cases (where people drown and died from falling asleep in the bath tub). Many… The urge to SHOUT OUT to designers around the world, is burning within me. Can’t hold it in anymore. This is human life that we’re talking about here; I need to shout at the top of my lungs~ Hear me out, please!

Shout out to ALL DESIGNERS around the world!!

Hello, Designer(s),

Could you do something to the current design of the bath tub?

Could you create or add some new function, for instance, “The water in bath tub will auto-drain off if no motion or no body movement from user, for 1 or 2 mins? No movement from the user could be the sign that he or she already dozed off, fallen asleep, or even fainted.


Humans’ creativity is beyond imagination. We have newly invented items getting onto the market place, almost every day. Just browse through the items list in the shopping apps and you’d see. Amazing tools that reduce the hassles in our days and even improve on time efficiency.

So, do something about the bath tub then, wouldn’t you? You (designers) have successfully made the bath tub that gives the user such comfortable feeling, to the point the user falling asleep in it!

The objective is simple – whoever goes into bath time, will then come out alive and their loved ones no need to discover them in drowning tragedy. Safe and happy life is what we sought.

By draining away the bath tub water if the user hasn’t made any body movement within 1 or 2 mins, should be able to save some lives.

I think people will be more willing to pay more water bill than having the risk of losing their life. Don’t you think so?

I’m looking forward for your next invention. Can’t wait to see it.

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