Don’t Crush My Boobs! (18X)


“Huff…” I exhale when the massage specialist applies some stress onto my back; I am now laying face-down. That the basic coordination between the customer (the massage receiver) and the massage specialist. One shouldn’t hold in their breath when massage specialist presses their back with some strength.

“Urgh!” (Oh my gosh…) But I feel so uncomfortable too! By releasing the air from my lungs, all the pressure is now, literally, pressing my chest onto that flat massage bed. Although the bed comes with a thin layer of cushion, but, c’mon… It’s still a flat bed; and feminine asset (i.e. chest) is not as men’s.

(You’re crushing my boobs! Ouch…) I shout in my mind. (Dxmn… Can’t the designer do something about this massage bed’s design?) I highly suspect that the current design of the massage bed is from men. If it was from women designer, one would have done something to the design to cater for feminine physical build.

Nowadays, the awareness of the needs to stay healthy has been built in both men and women. Many people enjoy the Spa, foot massage, body detox massage, and even manicure or pedicure. Yes, men do go for manicure and pedicure, i.e. the basic nail cutting and maintenance works.

So, one would find time to go to the salon at least once a month; some even on weekly basis (if one’s financial allows). For women, many opt for bust detox or lymphatic care; bust firming care and womb care body massage. Our body is the most important asset that we need and rely on, in order to continue living in this world.

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Each treatment would easily last for an hour or more. So, imagine that women have to lie down (face-down) and enjoy the body massage session. They have no choice but to suffer quietly – handling the pressure from massage specialist and even some of their own body weight with their chests (or boobs, call it what you want). Can you imagine how uncomfortable that whole session would be? Body massage should be a relaxing session; but for women, maybe they have to force themselves to ignore the uncomfortable moment when laying down (face-down). No option available, nothing.

I believe that 1-hour massage session with their chests being pressed onto the massage bed, all the efforts (i.e. bust firming exercise that they have been working on and the costly bust care treatments they attended) have flushed down the drain. As if one who worked on a treadmill for hours but wasted the efforts with uncontrol high-calories meals.

Shoutout to all furniture designers,

“Could you please do something about it?”

“You have done well with the headrest part – when needed, the headrest cushion can be removed. And the person laying face-down can easily breathe through the hollow space specially designed on the massage bed.”

“How about do the same to the chest area, make the chest-area section as removable cushion as well? When one is laying on their back, no need to remove that section of cushion; but when woman customer has to laying face-down, then that’s the right moment for the massage specialist to remove that cushion for the sake of their woman customer.” 

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“Trust me. The women around the world would thank you for this. I don’t know if anyone ever raise this concern before. But I am telling you now. The massage bed really is UNCOMFORTABLE.”

“Please… Don’t waste our efforts in maintaining feminine assets.” All humans are born from (their mother) woman’s womb; men or women, consciously or unconsciously, does appreciate the feminine physical look. Well, many might not admit it; but anyway, I love watching women’s body shape and the way each of them carries themselves, even though, literally, I have what they have (physically).

“Designer, you’re our hope on this small request as I don’t know to whom I should voice the design needs for the massage bed. Thank you in advance.”

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