Has It Increased By This Invention?

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“Do you know where can I get vape?” She relentlessly asked another passer-by, just to get her vape refill.

“I don’t know.” Passer-by replied.

“Thank you.” She continued looking left and right, searching for 7/11 shop while walking.

I accompanied her while heading back to our hotel. Angela is my colleague from another country. We have a conference in headquartered office, this week.

“How many times can a vape work?” I simply posted a question around this vape topic to her.

“About 400 puffs.” She replied.

“Oh…” the ‘no-clue’ me, responded. I don’t smoke and not quite familiar with the vocab used around vape. On top of that, my nose is sensitive to smoke or the smell, to be précised.

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“What flavour do you after?” Kevin asked her.

“Coke. That’s my favourite so far.” Angela replied with a satisfactory smile on her face.

(Wow, even have coke flavour…)
I said to myself. (What a creative invention…)

We couldn’t find any stores operating at this late hour; so, we headed back to hotel.

I would stay away or stand against the wind’s direction whenever someone is smoking. I really can’t handle the smell, even if it is coke-flavoured or whatsoever. I prefer fresh air.

In this city, I can see that many people smoke vapes. Young (not sure if they are underaged) or old, man or woman. More women smoke vapes here than in the country where I stayed. Maybe the place where I from, was still quite strict on ‘no smoking’ or ‘woman doesn’t smoke’ mentality and/or in family culture. Only kids that got their hand on cigarettes and persistent on it, will continue that habit until they were grownup. Once turns adult age, parent literally has no more ‘control’ on their kid’s freedom or choice.

Vape puff carries lesser nicotine than a cigarette has, but still its chemicals would harm human’s lungs.

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(Well, human could be stubborn sometimes. They choose to ignore or take the risk instead.) I wonder, if this invention, i. e. Vape, has helped to save more humans from harmful nicotine’s effect on the lungs or increases the smoker (vape smoker) instead? Or, has it indirectly encouraging more people to have a try on smoking vape since vape presents itself as much safer than smoking cigarettes and comes with various flavours that many can now handle (just like perfumes selection)?

(What do you think, people? Is there an analysis on the number of smokers before and after vape came into market?) These questions echo in my monkey mind.

(What do you think?)

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