Those Funny People That I Met (Pt. 2)

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11. Environmental Protection Mode

Lunch time~

My colleague and I decided to go for a famous fish soup noodles. This hawker stall is very famous and always a long queue of customers in front of their stall.

The auntie that in-charge of taking orders has good memories. She can remember each customer’s specific orders; at least ten customers’ order in a row! Some wants rice, some want noodle, some doesn’t want coriander, some wants their orders to go, some having here, extra noodles and many more as you can imagine. (Wow, I can’t do that. The maximum I could remember might be two customer’s orders… haha…)

Almost half an hour we queued, finally we have our orders and we take the seat not too far from the fish soup stall.

Yummy, indeed. It’s worth the queue and time.

“Auntie, I have my own container for my order.” A lady hands over a tempered glass container to the order-taking auntie.

The auntie takes the container and returns it with her order fully filled up in it.

“Auntie, can you give me plastic spoon and fork?” that lady asks from the auntie.

That auntie looks at her and then says “Then, you are not really into environmental protection mode what…”

My colleague and I overheard their conversation and her powerful statement; we burst into laugh instantly!

Forgot to mention, this auntie has a loud voice. She speaks her mind here that this lady who brought her own container for her food, yet still using plastic disposable cutlery.

(Auntie, I love you for that! Such a heroin who dares to speak the truth.)

We laugh and enjoy our delicious lunch.

12. It’s Too Hot!

At one of the famous local coffee restaurants, I am queuing for my turn to place my order. Let’s see what to eat today, maybe steam toast set with half boiled egg and coffee. Alright, order placed and paid for it.

Suddenly, one uncle walks towards the counter, literally he is now standing next to me as he intends to talk to the coffee maker who is preparing my coffee at the moment.

“The tea is too hot!” he speaks in anger tone.

(Hmm…? Tea is supposed to be hot and that is how we get the fragrance and taste of tea leaves; isn’t it? Unless you want it to be cold brewed. What kind of complaint is this?) I guess I am looking at him with a strange look when I heard what he just said.

“So hot, how to drink?” he continues.

“Sorry, we would make a new one for you.” The coffee maker apologizes and compromise to prepare another cup of lukewarm tea for him.

(Well, if you want lukewarm tea to your liking, you should at least inform the tea maker up front; to be fair. For me, I like my coffee or tea to be served HOT though. So I could enjoy it sip by sip.)

Anyway, I go to my seat and wait for my meal to be served.

We can see this kind of funny conversations and situations in daily life, which is also why I enjoy watching (not staring at people eagerly) people and observe how one handles things or reacts.

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"Huh?!?" (Speechless...)

13. We Find Love In…

“We find love in hawker’s place~” (Hmm? What kind of song lyric is this? So localized it sounds – hawker’s place?)

I heard this song playing when I was in a restaurant having tea break with my friend.

“Did you hear that song just now?” I ask my friend.

“Which song?” She asks.

“The one that goes like this – we find love in the hawker’s place~” I try to sing the song, I only managed to catch the lyrics of the chorus part.

“Haha… No, that’s not the lyrics! Haha… You really make me laugh!” She laughs so loud at me.

“What?” I am confused.

“That’s Rihanna’s song and the chorus part is – We found love in a hopeless place.” She explains to me.

“Haha…” now, it’s my turn to laugh at myself.

(My goodness, no wonder I find the lyrics sort of funny. Haha… silly me.)

14. What Was He Trying To Do?

Today, I was humored and laughed out real hard!

My friend and I went for hill-walk or so-called morning walk up the small garden at hilltop.

After an hour walk, we finally reach the hill viewpoint. We enjoyed our quick bite at a bench near the fence at hilltop.

There is a bare-chest uncle, don’t know what happens to him…

Suddenly he jumps onto the fence (trying to show off his balancing skills, I guess) and walks along the fence.

(Hello~ the fence is pretty near us, okay? Literally, his sport shoes are right in front of my face.)

I look down to my toes and hold back my laugh. Right after he walked past us, we both burst into laughter! What the hell was that?!?

From the angle where my friend seated, she can clearly see that he still continues his balancing walk on the fence. A woman was using the binoculars to grasp the beautiful hill view and he walks past right in front of that binoculars. The woman got a shock of her life and then gave him a roll-eyes look.

(Oh My Goodness!!) I laugh until my spine hurts.

He jumps from the side and then onto the fence!
He walks along the fence. Can you see how close he is to our seat?
He even walked past in front of those binoculars...

We would definitely remember this scene throughout our lifetime. What is wrong with him? Is he trying to get woman’s attention? That’s a dangerous act though for he might roll down the hill if he slips.

I ask my friend “Are we on a candid camera or what?” We continue laughing.

Thank you, uncle! It has been long enough for me to have laughed out so loud!

15. Plus Two Dollars For…

Today, I am in a good mood and now it is after work; taking a cab heading home.

The driver uncle has the radio on. Oh yes, this radio channel is currently playing the songs that I am familiar with.

I often sing along the songs and sometimes just humming when I don’t know the song lyrics. So no exception for this moment, I am humming and sing along softly, at the lowest tone possible, not to disturb driver uncle who is sharing the same space with me.

Song after song, all songs the radio played was those that I am familiar of. Oh, what a satisfying journey I have today.

When I reach my destiny, that driver uncle tells me the taxi fare. “Total would be 24 dollars, plus two dollars karaoke fee.”

I laugh instantly. He is charging me for a fee for playing those songs that I could sing along.

“Uncle, have you paid for concert ticket?” I asked him in return. I sang so many songs, but has he bought the ticket to my concert? I was joking with him of course.

“Haha~” We both laugh. I paid for the taxi fare and thanked him.

I have fun today.

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Hmm~ La~lala...

16. Curl, Curl, Curly~

“Don’t know how they use it, how can it become like this?” The coffee shop waitress auntie is currently sweeping the floor and grumbling on the broom she is using. I look her way and look at what she is complaining on.

Oh my, the broom is… how to elaborate? Its plastic brush that was initial straight are now all curling in every direction, as if it has gone under certain heat and its plastic brush went all curl, but definitely not burn by fire or anything, more like the user has put in too much stress when using it, I guess.

I look at her and say “It has character. Haha…” “Haha…” She giggles while shaking her head. She still needs to use that ‘curly-hair’ broom to sweep the rest of the floor. Oh, gosh…

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17. You Have To Iron Those?!?

I have been renting a room ever since start my independent working life. Well, have to adapt to it as I chose this path. A shift from living worry-free at home to sharing common space with total strangers and even landlords with attitudes. Besides alert, still need to be cautious all the time. Need to lock the room, lock my luggage, lock the drawer where I keep valuable stuff or document, close the windows, and most of the house chores I have to do on my own now. Once laundry is dry, need to remove them from hanger on the day itself; common drinking water tumbler needs to refill with boiled water once it is empty; tidy up your belongings especially at the common area like kitchen, living room, bathroom, and dining area.

Huh… Sounds like super stressful. Well, I went through all of it as if I have no choice but to do it kind of mindset. All these ‘regulations’ have trained me to be super cautious, think through every single thing 360 degrees and be considerate with others.

Some landlords are just… too much! I remember once, when I went to view the room for rent. The old lady shows me the room and then sit down and chat a little with me to know more about my background if she were to let me be her tenant. Well, fine with me, landlord at least needs to know what I do for living to ensure I have the ability to pay the rent. But this auntie, she brought out a small booklet full of her tiny hand-writing; she read out row by row – Those are the RULES she set for all her tenants to follow!

(Oh my gosh, a booklet!?! So long? So many rules? I haven’t even agreed to rent your room yet, auntie!)

“Walk slowly and make sure no noise made when you walk up the stairs.”

“No loud noise when come back from work, no loud music or talking, as I would have already sleep.”

“Not allow to bring friend to this house.” She keeps on reading her rules, one after another…

(Speechless… Am I here to rent a room or being a prisoner? Even a prisoner is allowed to talk, to sing and move around freely with the common area, right?)

“Auntie, let me consider first. Thank you for your time.” I interrupt her halfway. I have to as I don’t know how many more pages those rules she is going to read out. I excuse myself and leave the house immediately. Run for my life! Crazy… With that few minutes interacting with her almost makes me gone crazy.

There was a place that I once rented; the landlord is operating a restaurant few blocks away from the house. She has hired an Indonesian maid to help her with house chores and taking care of her child.

One night, when I went to kitchen to refill my drinking water, I saw the maid busy ironing clothes. Her room is just right next to the kitchen. So her room is rather small; she leaves the door open so that not so stuffy when ironing clothes. I have been seeing her ironing clothes in the evening, maybe that is her daily schedules. A ‘mountain’ of clothes is what I always see, the load that she needs to iron each evening. I didn’t take note much but just having a light conversation like ‘hi’, ‘how are you’, and ‘good night’. Slowly we get more familiar and chat a bit more sometimes, only when landlord is not around. Else, she might scold the maid for not working properly. Well, she is the boss.

“What? You have to iron these?” I ask the maid with a surprise look on my face. I point to the ‘thing’ that she is ironing now. She nods her head.

That is a bra! Do we need to iron bra? Did I miss out something here? My mum didn’t do this, I learnt from her, I also never do this. Should we iron bra? I doubt myself there for a second. The me, at that time have zero knowledge about Self-Love, so very often I doubt myself first and questioning myself if I have done it wrong.

I don’t think so. Will anyone go and iron bra? The maid then shows me another item that she needs to iron – panties. I think she also finds this rather ridiculous that she is tasked to iron them.

(Speechless with my mouth wide open…) Do we iron our underwear? I laugh imagining myself ironing my bra and panties. That image is just hilarious!

“Haha… Do we really need to iron these?” I ask her.

“I don’t know, she wants me to iron all.” She says.

Oh, my gosh… What on earth. I know we need to iron necktie, handkerchief, and sometimes even shawl or scarf but underwear… No wonder her ironing job never finishes early, so many items to iron!

Now, I have more knowledge about bra. So, on second thought, did my landlord get herself an over-sized bra? Over-sized until she needs to iron it to make the fabric looks not crooked? If one has got herself the right cup size and so on, the bra would nicely cup the chest. There won’t be any extra space. The fabric will nicely ‘expand’ and won’t go crooked at all. I have no idea the reason behind ironing bra, until this day… Interesting.

This maid has been tasked to do many things, cleaning not only this house, landlord’s sister’s house and even her restaurant. There’s always this kind of grey area – what a maid should do and what not. But most of the time, maids have no place to voice and stand for themselves. No, maid agent would beat them if they ever rejected and ‘returned’ by their owner. Yupe, you hear me right, maid agent would beat them up for not listening to their owner’s instruction and causing maid agent more headache things to handle. Pity world.

One night, the maid asked me if I could help her buy a bus ticket.

Oh, boy… “Sorry, I don’t think so.” I refuse her. I would not involve myself into such a thing; letting myself being the culprit to help her run away from home or her owner. This is the issue that you should settle with your owner in a proper way or legal way. I know she has her reasons.

Few days passed. Morning when I went down to grab my fruits from kitchen, my landlord told me the maid ran away from home at night.

(Oh… I see, she finally did it.)

“Huh? Serious? She ran away, last night?” I asked my landlord with a shocking expression.

(Of course, how I show her the expression of ‘Serve you right!’ kind of face. Come on…)

When I go get my motorcycle at the front gate, I look to the sky and whisper softly: “Good Luck, Sumi! Don’t get caught by anyone.” Sumi was the name of that young yet hardworking Indonesian maid. I don’t know how she is going to do; her passport is withheld by the landlord.

There is another Chinese family (from China) where I rented a room from them. It is a family with three generations in the house – grandparents, my landlord (husband and wife) and their two daughters. They hired a maid as well, 16 years old Indonesian lady.

Why I say some people are weird, there is a reason to it. What they do is just not normal; I have nobody to define it as right or wrong. There is no right or wrong but just the decision of that person at the particular moment.

The granny is a rather a control freak. When I happen to take a rather long shower, she would switch off the heater power and light from outside. Not only once, but a few times. One day, I lash out to her when I came out from the bathroom. “Why did you switch off the power? I’m still using the bathroom.” I ask the granny who is the only person at the kitchen area. Bathroom is right next to kitchen.

“I don’t know, maybe the maid switched it off.” She never admits but blaming onto the maid instead.

(Yeah, right, no one is awake at this hour, only the you here. I pay my rental on time, alright. Who are you to do this to me? Piss me off.)

What extreme act this granny would do? In the middle of the night, she wakes up. This is pretty normal. Most ageing people can’t fall asleep for long hour but tends to get up at 4am or even earlier. So, this granny wakes up, can’t go back to sleep. Bored. Look at the maid who is sleeping soundlessly on the floor (of living room), she goes and wakes the maid up, asking her to take out all the plates and bowls from the kitchen cabinet to wash and clean them all once again.

How did I know all these? Well, the maid told me when my landlord has all gone out for family gathering. Poor lady… Not even having enough sleep.

And I look at her; she was making something for her lunch. Curious, I asked her: “What are you preparing?”

A plate of white rice with some soup base. “I mix with Milo.” She says. ‘Milo’ is the brand of one of the instant chocolate drinks.

“What? Milo? With rice?” “Just this for your lunch?” I was shocked and few questions in a row I asked her.

“Nothing to eat.” She replies.

“Vege, meat?” I asked further. Landlord and family often has dishes for their meals.

“They ate all. I only have rice.” She says.

Sigh… Oh, my gosh… How heartless can one be? If you can’t afford paying for a meal to your maid, you would better don’t hire a maid then. Shame on you.

Same goes for pets, if you can’t afford to buy them dog or cat food, don’t think of keeping a pet. They are not supposed to eat human’s leftover food.

I can’t say the owner is the one at wrong. Sometimes, the maid also shows attitude. At a hawker center, the middle-aged couple was ordering food for themselves and also their maid. Each of them has a proper meal set served; i. e. a plate of roasted chicken, a plate of white rice, with some cucumber toppings, and a bowl of soup. But this time, it is the maid who refuses to eat the lunch. Her owners were stunt by her reason – ‘It is not halal.’ Oh, great, the chicken rice set was not from Muslim halal stall, therefore she refuses to eat.

What in the world… I shake my head when I overheard their conversation from next table. There is maid with no proper meal, and here the maid refuses to eat well-served meal set.

I put on my headphone and enjoy my lunch, quietly. Leaving all those ‘noise’ aside.

I moved to another place not long after that. That granny is really getting on my nerves. I am going to a place with better or at least new energy around, Ciao~

Based on my experiences and interaction with people thus far, it is better not to expect the other party change; unless they came to their realization and own initiation that they need to do something about themselves. We change ourselves or way of doing things; more efficient that way. No point expecting that granny to refrain her weird behaviours and actions, I choose to move out and stay away from that place, more efficient and happier I feel.

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Are You Serious?!?

18. Why Me?

Many people do their grocery shopping or marketing alone here; they walk to supermarket bringing along their mini trolley (e.g. those bag that comes with rollers and handle to pull or push it). So, here come the issue, when they need to use the restroom, what do they do with this mini trolley of theirs?

Often times, when I dine in a food court, single shopper like auntie or uncle, will approach me and ask if they could leave their mini trolley near my seat. And spontaneously, I would just nod my head or reply ‘okay’. To me, it’s not a big deal.

Now, come to think of it… (Of all people, why me? There are so many people dining in this food court; so, why me?!?)

I have always sat far away from restroom; never take the seats near it. Why? Well, I have a bad habit – my eyes tend to catch on moving objects. So, whenever someone comes out from washroom, they catch my attention if I were at the seat where the entrance is within my vision angles.

Some walks out wiping their wet palms on their pants; some swinging their wet palms and water droplets flying to people nearby; they just don’t care at all. Really no manners! Some walking out while zipping up their pants… (Rolling my eyes…) Super Unpleasant!! So, I usually choose a seat far away from washroom and it is not within my eyes sight.

Now, back to the question – ‘Why me?’ Does my forehead not only written with ‘Talk to Me’, but now added with ‘park your trolley with me’?!?

Even the working professional gentleman with his laptop bag, asking me if he could put his bag here, he just needs a quick run to the restroom. An uncle parks his shopping bags on the chair in front of me and asks me to help him keep a watch while he goes to the washroom. What is all these…?

Guess, I should put up a signboard ‘baggage or locker corner’ and charge them 20 cents each.

Haha… Why me? I still don’t have the answer.

19. The Fitting Room Next Door

Shopping spree is on during this whole month. Many people go for shopping and I was one of them as well. I plan to get myself a dress.

So, I look around women’s department. Get a few dresses and heading to try them at the fitting room.

I was waiting for my turn to get a fitting room. There is an old couple in the first fitting room. The auntie (the wife) puts on the dress and the salesgirl is by her side serving her needs, while uncle (the husband) is standing out of the fitting room, looking at his wife in that dress.

“Oh, a bit too tight, I think.” Auntie says.

“I think this dress fits you well.” The salesgirl replies.

“What do you think?” auntie asks her husband.

“You look great in this blue dress.” He replies.

“But my tummy looks so obvious in this dress.” Auntie is rather concern on her tummy part.

“That’s the most valuable part!” Uncle declares this statement loud and clear.

Oh my goodness, I smile when I heard him saying this. How sweet… He is not looking down on his wife for that tummy that she has but appreciates how she is overall. He sounds so proud as if he has successfully fed her with yummy food until she gains weight and having that tummy.

The auntie and salesgirl both laughs.

Oh, there is a room for me to try my dress. I walk to that fitting room with a smile on my face. Will I get a partner as thoughtful and sweet as this uncle? I wish…

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20. You Sure This Is The Place?

This morning, I took a cab to office. I tell the taxi driver uncle the postal code of the company. In Singapore, maybe because of the size of the country that it is possible to assign each BUILDING a postal code to it. In most countries, a postal code applies to a wide village or city. Here in Singapore, just say the postal code you can easily locate your friend’s house.

So, this taxi driver uncle is also one of those that are not so familiar with that outskirt industrial area; he is setting the GPS to the postal code that I have just told him. Let GPS leads the way.

There still times where the GPS directs you the wrong directions. As local always says, ‘It sends you to Holland” which means it leads you astray. Haha… It might sound funny but why ‘Holland’? Well, until this day, I still can’t find the reason to that saying.

So, after half an hour, turning left and right, we are almost there.

“After the bus stop, the entrance on the right.” I say.

“Okay.” He replies. He drove into the company compound slowly. He looks around the compound and asks me “You sure this is the place? Why nobody is around?”

“Oh, we just moved over here and it is still under renovation.” I explain.

“Then, why are you coming here for?” He continues.

(Aww… he is concerns about my safety in this secluded area. I’m touch…)

“Workers are at the area at the back door and office colleagues are all at level 1.” I explain to him. Only the ground floor still has some renovation work left.

Paid the taxi fare, “Thank you, drive safe.” I thank him.

“Have a nice day.” He replies.

“You too!” I say.

Sometimes, a simply sentence could deliver warmth care. I appreciate it a lot.

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