Those Funny People That I Met (Pt. 3)

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21. Is There A ‘TALK TO ME’ Label?

Lately, I came to realize that many uncles and aunties (strangers) like to initiate communication with me. Literally, they like to talk to me. I don’t know why. Is there a ‘Talk-To-Me’ label on my forehead? Well, I don’t see them initiate the conversation with my friend who is sitting right next to me. Do I look more approachable? It’s a given, I believe, blessed. Most of the time, if I dine in alone, I would stare to the sky when I’m done with my meals. Sitting still like a statue, would also attracts people to start chatting with me? I would join the conversation if I am not in a hurry.

Now, come think of it… Is that why that Direct-Sales Manager so eager in persuading me to join her team? She saw this specialty in me – other likes to talk to me and easy to talk to? I didn’t even know this side of me, though. But still, direct-sales business is not my cup of tea. I would pass for this one.

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'Talk To Me' Label... Somewhere?

22.1 Lunch Time – Better Deal

Today, after my meal at hawker center, I still have half an hour to go before heading back home to work. As usual, I ordered my coffee and staring to the clear blue sky, taking a break and let my brain pause for a while. No work, no worries, just enjoy the view and feel the breeze from nature.

The Malay man who shares table with me, starts talking to me. During lunch time, especially, it might be hard to get a seat; so share table is norm. He starts the conversation with me, talk about mobile phone as that’s what we both have in our own hand at that moment. Good topic he picked. I join in the conversation. We chat about the latest models he is into and the old model I am still using. He even recommends me which broadband package is more worthwhile, supported with his market surveys.

Wow! I learn something new today. Lucky me~

Time’s up. I wish him a good day ahead and go back to my sand mine to work.

“Very often, you dine in all by yourself, huh?” the coffee shop waitress auntie asks me one of the evenings when I dine in for my dinner. I guess she recognize this regular customer of theirs, who often visit their shop without bringing along any lunch-mate or dinner-mate.

“Haha… I am just lazy to wait for my friends. I just walk over here and have my meal right away.” I say.

“Oh, I see. You live nearby then.” She nods her head.

“Yeah.” I say. I live just a few blocks away from the coffee shop and I usually go things on spontaneous mood. I don’t enjoy waiting. Grab the key, wallet and mobile phone, go.

Guess, ‘Patience’ is a major subject that I need to learn.

If it is a catch-up gathering with friends, then that is a different story. Each and everyone would be there at the appointment timing. For that, I will slow down my pace.

22.2 Lunch Time – Which Stall Better?

A Chinese man asks if he could join table with me.

“It is not taken. Take a seat.” I say. This was during my morning breakfast time at my usual coffee hawker stall.

I continue eating my meal.

“Which stall did you get this food?” He asks while politely pointing to the food that I am having.

“Oh, it is the Indian stall at the center row.” I say.

“Are you a frequent customer here?” He asks. “I saw just now this coffee stall’s auntie asking you to come over and take this free seat.”

“Oh yeah, I have been getting coffee from this stall. They recognize my face. Haha…” I reply.

“Is their coffee good?” He has his coffee ordered and drinking it now.

“Yes, I like it. It depends on one’s taste. So far, I like theirs (this stall). There’re a few coffee stalls here.” Well, it is really depending on one’s taste buds, some like this taste, some don’t.

“I usually get coffee from the other stall at the far end. But today, no seat over there.” He shares his preferred coffee stall.

“That Roti Prata stall also have a nice curry. I had it once. The curry tastes really good.” He points to the stall at the end of the shop row in front of us.

“Oh really? I haven’t got any food from that stall yet. Quite a new stall, just open like in last month?” I ask him.

“I ordered their curry without rice as I am cutting down on my ‘carbo’ (i.e. carbohydrate) intake.” He elaborates his recommended dish.

“Without rice? Having the curry just like that?” I am a rice-person; so I am not quite sure if he ordered his curry with noodle instead.

“No rice, the curry has potatoes and vegetables in it. So you can pretty much having it without rice.” He further explains.

“Oh, I see. I would it next time.” I take his recommendation. Foodie like me welcome all good food suggestion.

He finished his coffee and made his leave. “Nice talking to you.” He said.

“Same here, have a great day.” I reply.

I continue enjoying the day there with my cup of coffee. Slowly sipping little by little~

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Hey, Taxi!

23.1 Taxi Ride – I Sing Better

“A vocal like this also can be singer… I think I can sing way better than him.” The taxi driver says.

Now I am on my way back to office after the meeting with auditor in town. The taxi that I jump in has its radio on and a mandarin song presented by a male singer is playing. This taxi driver I believe he is in his thirty’s, is a chatty one. Not the non-stop chatty type.

“Oh, so you can sing then?” I join in the conversation.

“A little, at least better than him. There is no any special in his voice that can make him stand out. Unlike certain singer, their strong vocal we the audience can simply recognize that is his or her voice instantly.” He elaborates his view.

“Yes, true, for example Jackie Cheung (Hongkong singer) and Elvis Presley (one of my favourites), right?” I added.

“Exactly. But this singer… I couldn’t find any specialty, frankly.” He continues listening to that song but still arrived at the same conclusion.

True, I don’t sense any ‘power’ in his vocal; I don’t who this singer is though. Just purely from a new audience’s view.

“Well, nowadays, people focus more on ‘packaging’; their outer look comes first, vocal comes next.” I share my view point.

“Agree. That’s sad things. We have lesser and lesser singers with good vocal now.” His disappointment is shown through his words.

“Well, many talented singers are ‘hidden’ in the society. There’s one time when I travelled to the Philippines, you know what? Almost each residential house in the outskirt village has a Karaoke machine. They all can sing well! I was so amazed.” I diverted the conversation direction to rather light-hearted ones.

“Really? Wow. Karaoke, last time, I joined my friends to go sing at Karaoke center. Long time ago… Now, they all have kids and seldom come out for hangout anymore.” He says.

“Haha… Just invite them once in a while then. Or just sing out loud whenever you feel good, at home. Easier that way” I laughed. That’s life, we just need to adapt to changes, sometimes.

We chat, and soon, we arrive at my destination. “Have a good day, nice chatting with you.” He says.

“Same here, bye.” Happy ride I have today.

23.2 Taxi Ride – Story Telling Time

“Bugis, please.” I tell the taxi driver the destination I want to go.

“Go praying at the temple ah?” He asks. Bugis has a famous temple of ‘Goddess of Mercy’.

“No, not today. Weekend often crowded.” I said.

“The other day, one old auntie took my cab to temple there. She said she’s going to gave her gratitude to the Goddess. You want to hear story or not?” He asks.

(Oh? Free story telling time? I love it.)

“Sure, share with me.” I guess my delighted mode is shown on this response of mine.

“She told me that she went to the temple to ask for Goddess’s help to find her lost ring. That was not a pricy ring but a ring that she has been wearing for ages. She feels sad for losing track of it.”

(I am not sure which route this old auntie asked for guidance. It could be many ways; through medium or get a variant (i.e. inscribed bamboo stick).

“The Goddess ‘tells’ her not to worry, no need to search for the ring; the ring will come back to her.”

“Oh?” Interesting advice from Goddess. I can’t wait for the next part of the story.

“So, she went home, live goes on as usual. One day, after she took the shower, she sits at her bed, and folding her clothes. She flips the blouse and one shining thing was thrown to the air. She reaches out her palm, a ring fell right onto her palm.” He continues.

“Oh My God! So magical?!?” I have goosebumps all over me. Wow!

“Yeah. Just like what Goddess said the ring will come back to her.” He concludes this story with a broad smile on his face.

“Good for her then.” I say. “Oh, uncle, you pray to Indian God – the Elephant God?” Now, I saw he has a statue of Hindu God, Ganesha.

“Yes, I pray to God Ganesha. It’s just so happened that i drew to Him. And He has been protecting me many times.

“Good then.” I say.

“There’s one more story, a bit creepy. You want to hear?” He asks.

(There he goes again. Kind of chatting uncle he is. Oh, well, there’s still a fair bit of journey to go. Yeah, why not?)

“Yes~ What about this time?” I respond.

“This one was my own experience. One time, I went to Genting Casino; spending a night at their hotel there.

Many people like to go to Genting Highlands in Malaysia for its casino most of them times. Those who stay in Singapore will spend their weekend there; just get a ticket for the coach and one night hotel stay. That’s all they need.

“I have a bit of psychic ability, i can sense ‘those things’ easily. But i am a free thinker.”

“Huh? You can feel it?” Oh my goodness… I am a scaredy-cat!

“When I step into the room, oh my gosh… I think in my mind, ‘can i still have a peaceful rest tonight…?’ Whatever, just wash and sleep.”

Midnight, ‘they’ disturbed me until I have no choice but trying to chant something to shoo them away. I didn’t open my eyes at all because I was so tired and I really need some rest here. But the thing is, I don’t know any mantra (be it Buddha ones or Sanskrit ones); so i just simply chanting the one or two words that I could barely recall.”

(I am nervous, listening to his story at the back seat of the taxi…)

I make no sound.

“Don’t know how much time passed. I feel that their presence not so strong already. I came to my consciousness and open my eyes and shock of my life, I was in the ‘Buddha sitting posture’ you know, with leg lotus-folded. And the mantra just smoothly chanting from my mouth. That moment, I know my guardians are around me and protecting me.”

“Wah… you don’t know mantra but in the end happens to be Buddha post and chanting mantra… Wah…” Other than ‘Wah’ which also represents ‘Wow’, no words could express how amazed I am to hear this story.

See? When you do believe, Gods show their care through miracle way, you are protected.

“Interesting stories from you, thank you uncle, have a nice day.” I thank him as he drops me off at the taxi stand.

“Okay, bye.” He replies.

Good entertainment today!

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23.3 Taxi Ride – Look, Who Is Here?

Today, I catch a cab to office at 8am. No traffic so I should be able to reach office earlier than usual. Today’s taxi driver is a Malay uncle. A humble vibe from him I felt.

Every often Singaporean can easily spots that I am not local, just from my way of talking or maybe my slang… Haha, can’t help it.

So he asks me if I am from Malaysia. It could be the few Bahasa Melayu that I used in my conversation with him.

“Yes, you can tell, huh?” I reply.

“The way you speak, I can just tell.” He says.

He talked about his last visits to Malaysia years back. We touched on property price for houses in Malaysia versus Singapore.

He shared his investment in his current house 20 years ago. “It was so cheap back then when I bought the house. It is a landed house.”

“Wow, then it must be very good value now. Landed house in Singapore can easily at millions.” I say.

“Yes, at least x millions.” He shares the latest info about property value for his residential area with me. (I can’t recall how much he mentioned.)

“But I can’t sell it. If I sell it now, where to get such a spacious house from the market now? All are small house at highly priced value.” He has his views between buy and sell a house.

“True, latest designs are with smaller-space house. And if you want to get back the same landed property, I don’t know how much it might cost now.” I say.

“Exactly, my house is super spacious! So I would continue living in my current house; no plan to sell it. Nope. If my kids get married, they can decide to their own house and move out from there.” He further adds.

“You are already a millionaire.” I state the fact.

“Haha… My family enjoy living there.” He laughs and continues to stay low profile about his high-valued investment or property he owns.

I am not sure if anyone ever observes this – majority of rich people are living their lives as low profile as possible, without flaunting their wealth. Those rich people could sometimes those uncles that wear a simple white singlet and slippers like we saw in olden days. No kidding! The real millionaires might have just stood right next to you without you noticing them.

I just have a millionaire taxi driver uncle sending me to work, today! Pleasure is always mine.

23.4 Taxi Ride – What A Big Family!

“Wow, you work so far away, Tuas South.” The Malay taxi driver at his late thirties says.

“Yes, quite far from where I stay, huh? No choice, this is the job I get; just do it. I guess maybe due to chemical or gas related business that Singapore government centered all those companies with sensitive products, at Tuas area.” I said.

“Last time, I also work offshore for a petrol company. Many years back before I change to be a taxi driver.”

“Oh, really? How was that kind of job going? Were you only allowed to go on long break going home each quarter or what?” I would just ask whenever I don’t know about something. Someone is hunger for new knowledge, haha…

“Last time, I worked in the middle of the sea but I get to go home every day; don’t have to be there for a month then only can go home.” He says.

“Lucky you.” I responded.

“Yeah, bla bla bla…” He continues.

I can’t recall how our conversation flows until we touch on sibling’s topic.

“Me and my brother can talk about anything. We’re quite close.” He says.

“Well, I have two brothers… Maybe I am their elder sister, we don’t talk much. But among them, brothers, they chat more than with me. So how many siblings do you have?” I ask.

“Ten.” He says.

“What? Ten?!? Wow, what a big family you have here.” Shocked me to have a chance to hear family nowadays still have more than ten children. I thought this only happens in older generations. “So, you are the number what among the 10 siblings?” I ask.

“Ermm…” He spends a few seconds before answering my question.

(Funny, isn’t everyone can just reply instantly? What’s with him? Need to think so long?) I think to myself.

“I am the number eighth.” He says.

“Because I have a pair of twin siblings before me, so… yeah, number eighth.” He further explains.

(Oh~ I see, no wonder he was stumble a little when answering. Lost count a bit there when a pair of twin comes in between. Cute.)

“Wow! You have twin siblings. Then do you have any more twins that comes after? Heard that a family with ‘twin gene’ would carry down from generation to generation.” I am curious.

“My children, I don’t have twins. By my son have a pair of twins. My grandchildren.” He says.

“Wow, skip one generation, the twin gene still goes on.” “Wait a minute, you have grandchildren already? You look young. How old you get married back then? This triggers more question from me. Luckily, he is chatty like me.

“Oh, hohoho… I met my wife when we were about to finish secondary school.” He giggles a bit and says.

“You know, youngster… We fell in love and then she got pregnant, we get married then.” He is a little shy when saying this, admitting their ‘passion’ during youth age.

“Wow… Good for you. So young become grandpa already.” I am happy for him.

“Me and my wife, married for so many years. We take things easy. We don’t quarrel. We discuss and solve the things we face; and respect is very important in a marriage.” He shares his appreciation in this marriage of his and his considerate wife.

“True, to maintain a relationship is more challenging than falling in love.” I say.

A family that built on love will bring closeness and caring among the family members. A child that was taught with positive thinking and moral behaviours in handling things, as if setting the firm-piles before building a house, he or she won’t be diverted too far away from their right path.

I enjoy my taxi ride today, as well.

23.5 Taxi Ride – They Don’t Have The Right To Ask

“Hi, do you go to Tuas xxx?” I open the car door and ask the taxi driver.

“Yes, come in please.” The medium-aged Indian taxi driver answers.

“Thank you.” I jump in the taxi, heading to office.

“Ma’am, do you know that you shouldn’t have asked that question?” He starts the conversation.

“Hmm?” I give a facial expression with a big question mark to him. He saw me through the reverse mirror from his driver seat.

“When a passenger has flagged a taxi, the taxi driver is supposed to send him or her to any destination that they said. This is under the Singapore LTA rules. You as a passenger has the right to do that.” He patiently explains to me.

“Oh, really? But very often they (the taxi drivers) don’t want to go to Tuas. It’s too far for them and most of the time they would have no passenger on their way back to town area.” I share most of the situations I faced so far.

“That is the problem here. They ignore the rules. As a taxi driver, we have to show our profession to all our passengers. Especially to those foreign visitors, what would think of Singapore if every taxi driver refuses to send them to their destination?” He says.

“Yeah… True, the image is spoilt.” “But what if those taxi that put on the ‘xx location’ signage on then? Must they still take any passenger?” I ask for further clarification.

“If we put on a signage that we only intend to go certain area only, then before the passenger asks, we should voice out our intention first. Not after the passenger has informed the location they want to go.” He explains.

“Oh, I see. I didn’t know that. Thanks for sharing with me.” I thank for his information on this regulation.

“Yes, so ma’am, if you ever face such drivers again next time, please make a report to LTA (the authority in-charge) so that we can stop such wrong attitude among Singapore drivers. We carry and represent the image of Singapore.” He stands on his point of view and hope for improvement in current issue we have in taxi industry.

“Hmm… Okay.” Well, that depends on my mood. I do understand that some taxi drivers would still hope to earn some income on their return-trip, no one would want to have ‘empty car’ (i.e. no passenger) situation and waste their petrol on the road.

The place I work, is really outskirt; I would see to it.

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23.6 Taxi Ride – I Like To Drive

“This is the third time that I get to pick you up, around this time. Do you have to work overtime in your job?” the Chinese taxi driver who drives Mercedes says. This gentle-speaking taxi driver is around his thirty’s.

“No wonder you looked familiar to me. Sometimes, need to stay back a little.” I reply to him.

“What are you working as?” he asks.

“Accounts dept, busy when comes to month end.” I say.

“Yes, I understand that feeling. I was worked in finance department as well. Month end closing, reporting and management meeting. Those were the days.” He says. Oh, account ‘member’ is here.

“Oh, really? What make you to have a change in job then?” I ask.

“I just like driving. I love to drive and still enjoying it.” He replies.

Wow, for one to really change his profession just for his hobby and follow what he enjoys the most, it must have been a wise decision but surely needs a lot of courage to make such change! I envy… I am still ‘stuck’ with this job. I want to break free as well…

“Now, I have more freedom too. I plan my working hours – when to pick up passengers. And when I have personal matters to attend, I could adjust my work timing accordingly.” He expresses the good outcome from his choice.

“Good then. Yeah, flexible in time planning is good for one. You won’t find it if you’re still with the nine-to-five kind of jobs.” I say.

“Yupe, sometimes, my regular passengers made appointments with me up front, with that I don’t have to waste time loitering along the road looking for passengers. I could save a lot of time and petrol. And sometimes, I only make a few trips a day, getting more than enough to cover the petrol expenses.

I can see that he is really putting efforts into this hobby cum business of his. He maintains his Mercedes car clean and very tidy; in order to give a good time and ambience to each of his passenger during their rides.

Good job, keep it up!

There are getting more and more youngsters working as a taxi driver, some even on part-time basis, while some are on free-lance terms.

I want to work on what I enjoy in it as well. Time to think of my next ‘destination’.

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You Dare To Live Your Dream?
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