Those Funny People That I Met (Pt. 7)

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41. You Would Better Do It, Else I…

Around April, there is a period where most Chinese families will pray to their ancestors, only applicable to certain believers or those who follows what has been carried down from the family practice.

Businessmen these days are creative, super creative. We can see a lot of handmade paper items and products in the market that one can buy and ‘burn’ for their ancestors or deceased family members.

Latest mobile phone models, luxury cars, massage chair, just name it.

One day, when I was hanging out with my friends, we touched on this topic.

“Wow! They (referring to those paper products) even have Black Label liquor and even mahjong sets!” Friend A (‘Egg’ that’s the nick name I called him) said with surprising look on his face.

“Not cheap, I’m telling you.” Friend B (‘Dragon’ we called him so) added on.

Something inspired me, so I said: “Next time, when I K.O. (i. e. passed away), you guys only need to ‘burn’ me two items. I’m simple, just these two things will do.”

“Haha… What are they?” Egg asked.

“One, a bank. Two, money changer license.” I responded him with serious look.

“Huh?” Dragon had a big question mark on his face.

“Burn me a bank, then who cares about how many stacks of those million dollars you burn? I have a bank with lots with all those hell money. And money changer license, everyone will come to me for changing money. Sure-profiting business! Right? Haha…” I laughed out loud. I was talking nonsense again.  

“Where have such items in the market?” Egg grumbled a little.

“Like I care. Go get them tailored-made! You would better do it; else I come and choke you when you are asleep, every night.” “Haha…” 

There you go, when you are with a bunch of funny people with creative minds, you would have these kinds of silly moments. Fun though~

We all enjoyed the light-hearted moments. No one can tell or know if there really has hell or heaven afterlife. We didn’t drill deep into that part of the story but just enjoyed the PRESENT!

Appreciated for the moment where we have the chance to meet up, chill, enjoy coffee or tea, and chat about anything, spend the cozy afternoon together.

42. Lodge A Police Report

Today, I have a body massage appointment.

I arrived at the massage center, and the usual experienced-massage specialist (I called her auntie) served me.

I have been a regular customer here and I knew this auntie ever since day one I had my body massage session begun.

We chatted a little during the massage session. She started massaging and releasing stress on certain nerve points on my body, accordingly; from toes to head, from left to right. I let her do whatever she needed to do on me. My job was to RELAX. That’s all.

“I need to go and lodge a police report.” I said to her out of sudden.

“Huh, why? What happen? Anything lost?” She asked.

“I lost my waist, and I can’t find it.” I replied in dull tone.

She laughed out loud. “Haha… you lost your waist?”

“Yes, I gain weight; it is like a straight line now. Where do you see my waist?” I continued joking with her.

“Haha… you ah…” She laughed while shaking her head. She couldn’t stand my sense of humor.

Today’s massage session was filled with a little laughter~

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