Those Funny People That I Met (Pt. 8)


43. Chessy-like Gel…

“This is your room number; enjoy your stay.” The hotel receptionist said while handing the room key to me.

“Thank you.” I took the room key that came with a wooden art piece to its key chain.

This was a Bali-theme hotel that I have booked for my Japan trip. The moment I stepped into this hotel, I was overwhelmed by its inner decoration. Wooden sculptures, nature-designed renovation and ambience were perfectly led me into the nature feel. I like it well.

“And you can use the products during your stay.” The receptionist directly my gaze by extending his hand toward the long desk’s direction.

“All those?” I was shocked by the variety products that fully occupied the long desk that was place in the center of the reception area.  

“Yes.” He replied with a hospitality gesture.

I turned to look at the desk once again.

That’s a lot!

I walked towards the desk to have a better look of the products they have prepared for their guest.

Wow! A bunch of beauty items as well as bath/toiletries products.

Each product came in 1-time use volume, in a small packaging. Colourful packaging and eye-catching logos made the long desk as if it were full of bouquets of beautiful flowers.  

I stopped my further checking on those products as I was tired after the transit from Kyoto to Osaka via train and the walking journey towards the hotel, carrying along with a huge luggage and bag pack on  me.

Let me take a break first.

I took the lift to the level where my room was at. Upon exit from the lift, a huge rectangular painting place at eye-level on the wall in front of me, caught my attention.


The most colour used in that painting was green. Different shades of green brought out a wide land of paddy field. At the top left corner of the painting, there were a few women farmer working on the paddy field. I dragged my luggage and stepped closer to that painting. I wanted to have a closer look.

Oh! Those women wasn’t painting art work but embroidery! It blended so well into the greenish painting!

I just love it. Now, I am looking forward to my room.

I unlocked the room door with the room key given to me. Two pairs of slippers in brown colour already placed at the doorway, ready for guests to wear them for comfortable stay.

I changed to the slippers; stepped on the floor that was a step higher than the doorway. My eyes scanned through the environment around me. On my right, was the basin with a huge mirror and completed with a wooden chair. I would rather call it a make-up zone as it was loaded with hair dryer, make-up used oval-shaped mirror on the side and a range of hair care products and skin care product on the rack. The warm light really calm whoever using this make-up zone.

On my front was the bathroom. I switched on the light and checked it out.

Mamma-mia! A bathtub equipped with Jacuzzi function! A water-proof television was placed at one end of the bathtub. Next to the white-porcelain bathtub, was the must-have washing area in almost all local Japanese’ bathroom, i.e. a washing area for one to clean themselves before entering the bathtub enjoying a hot bath. A small acrylic-made stool in pearl colour completed with a wooden pale for shower use.

I’d definitely enjoy this! A shower before relaxing in the hot bath. A hot bath with powerful Jacuzzi bubble-shoot from various angle to massage my back and tiring legs. I’d do that tonight.

A huge bedroom was behind the wooden-door on my left.

What a huge bedroom! Balinese artworks can easily be spotted in the room. From the small plant in the pot on the balcony, the nicely carved wooden queen-sized bed, the warm light that brought out by the blinking crystals light sets on the ceiling and the maroon colour couch; all on the cyclect-coated parquet floor.

Mahogany? I don’t much about wood types. Anyway…

I could finally let go of my luggage and back pack; and threw myself onto the soft bed. Feeling the softness of the bed that I somewhat sunk my body in, I continued indulging myself in the nice ambience room that I got for my stay. A huge flat-screen LED television that occupied almost the whole wall reminded me that I was in a modernized and technology-equipped environment.


I smiled. Worth the money. This thought came through.

I took half an-hour rest while having my mobile phone fully charged; I got up and ready to head out. It was ten minutes to four p.m. I still need to explore the area nearby before heading towards the famous night eatery area in Osaka.

I grabbed my already lighten-backpack, the room key and said ‘wait for me’ to the Jacuzzi-bathroom.

 I reached the lobby. Now, I could take a close check on those small-packed beauty products on the long desk. It  has, literally, everything. From head to toe! Hair shampoo from many brands, hair clip and tie, hair cap, hair gel,  hair mask, make-up removal, skin-care gel, moisturizer, foam cleanser, skin-softener, body scrub salt, facial mask, foot mask, shaver, and even the nail clipper and a range of perfume!

I took a packet of foaming bath salt with the image in my mind that I would be sitting in a bathtub full of bubble and have fun like kids. I couldn’t wait to have that first experience that night. Never had I know that later night I had nearly half of the bathroom filled with bubbles. The jacuzzi-motorized force has pumped and tripled the bubble loads to the bathtub! I had to sprayed water using the shower hose to subside those bubbles and flush them down the drain after bath. That was tiring. But fun outshined tiredness. That was fun!

I also took two packets of facial mask, and a yellow-duck designed sponge for bath-use. How many people can resist a yellow duckling toy in the bath? I want them, at least one. I put those products into my backpack and then looked out to the window. The striking sunshine already warm me up even before I stepped out from the hotel. I intended to apply some UV-proof skin moisturizer. I quickly glanced through the colourful products on the desk and took a small packet smoothing-effect product and ripped it open.

I had finished my aloe vera gel during this trip. Hopefully, this gel could cool down the sun-tanned skin, especially both my arms.

Hmm… This gel… was rather watery. Unlike the aloe vera leaf-extracted gel I used before. Could this type of gel-like product just another commonly found beauty products in Japan. The creativity in Japanese products have never failed to amaze me thus far. So, I didn’t doubt about it since I didn’t give much read or analysis on the beauty products in Japan. This was actually a last-minute decided free and easy trip I took.

So, slimy. I, literally pulled a Chessy-like gel from the opening of the packet to my arm where I would like to apply it on.

Anyway, let’s get it done and make my departure.

I rubbed the gel in order to let it dissolve and absorbed by my dried skin. I rubbed it on my whole left arm.

Hmm…How long does it need to be absorbed by my skin? It’s still very slimy though. Did I miss out any special steps? I turned over the small packet and checked on the instruction printed on the back of it.


Oh gosh… All those small printing words were in Japanese language. I can’t read them. I then turned to the front of the packet. ‘Smooth Gel’ in English and ‘润滑液’ in Mandarin was printed below its brand logo.


What?!? Did I mistake it for smoothing gel for skin?

It was in fact a Smooth Gel (lubricant) for s*x use! 


I laughed out loud behind my monkey mind while I quickly looked around to check if anyone saw my silly act.

Lucky! No one was around; not even the receptionist. But maybe the CCTV caught all my action.

I covered my mouth with my right palm and tried so hard to control myself from letting out a loud laugh at myself. I rushed to the ladies and washed the slimy gel off. Even the watch I wore on my left wrist gotten some slimy gel on it.

No way. That won’t do.

Ha-ha... Silly you.

After cleaning my left arm, thoroughly, from those sexy gel, ‘should I still get some UV-proof lotion?’ came in my mind.

Nah… Forget it. No time for that. Let’s head out.

If any of my friend heard what I had just experienced, surely they would break into huge laugh at my clumsiness and won’t forget about it for a really long time.

Even now, I would break into laugh whenever I recalled it.

Jeez… ‘Smooth Gel’, you got me! Never would have I thought that ‘you’ would appear in that wide range of beauty products that were openly provided for guests use, in the center of the reception area.

Special Thanks To…

I would like to thank:

All those good people that I have encounter in my daily life. You guys brighten up my days.

My colleagues that I have been worked closely with and being my lunch-mates.

I hope I would continue having the chance to meet and experience such happy and heart-warming moments like those stories I have mentioned above.

Life is full of fun if you look at it with a positive and appreciation heart.

I wish everyone happy days always.

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