Signals, Everywhere!

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Signals! Have you notice the messages?

I was drawn to that “Goodbye’s (The Saddest Word)” song. The soul-touching lyrics expressed through Celine Dion’s gifted voice; well-described priceless mother’s love that a daughter felt and received. The realization that we all have to bid goodbye to our loved ones, when time’s up. I cried.

That cute Japanese animation manga series ‘Kotaro Lives Alone’ written and illustrated by Mami Tsumura, conveys the messages about how mentally-impactful onto a child if they ever received harsh words from guardians, sad incidents or treatments they experienced during their childhood. I cried.

The Korean-author coveys through its manga comics ‘Horns, Horns Everywhere’, the bias views most humans would have towards the differences spotted in others. I was touched by its storylines of a human boy who was borne with a head of a deer.

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I'm speechless... with what I have just seen

Tapping onto the power of words, authors, singers, movie directors, teachers and even wisdom-knowledgeable gurus, relentlessly conveying important messages through their works. But, the real work actually lies on the VIEWER. What takeaways one could grasp, is beyond control. How and when would one reflect on their thoughts and/or actions? “Efficiency” depends on each individual’s mindset and willingness to change.

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Messages failed to deliver...

If everyone would start to look at the root cause(s) and change from within, 

“A Better World” 

is not merely a dream, but, within reach!

When was the last time you felt touch by something? Be it a movie scene, a part of song lyric, or a kind act of someone. What have you done to that feeling and how did you process your thoughts about it? Could it be you just brushed it off like most people often do?

As if one that walks out from the cinema after finished watching a heart-warming movie, asks “where to eat?” and pushes what he or she just seen and felt down the drain. As if nothing has ever happened.

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Movie Time~ Where's my popcorn?

No right or wrong about that. That’s norm in humans.

Just wondering if we do something about those signals and messages, a better world could really be within our reach.

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