Ooh~ I Wanna Do This And That To YOU!

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YOU there! I Wanna Do This and That To YOU... He-he!

The moment I saw YOU, so many thoughts popped up in my mind. One after another.

I want to do this, this and that… (Should be doable.) I believed.

I want to lay my hand on YOU.

YOU would better be prepared~

He-he… (A little evil smirk started.)

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I was about to reveal my true self.

My hand was moving on its own.

I was walking towards YOU straight. Nothing else came into my sight but YOU.

My arms were extending straight so that I could reach YOU before anyone else. 

“I Got YOU!” I grabbed on YOU. I have YOU now. 

(YES!! I’m not giving YOU to anyone. YOU’re mine now. Mine!)

(Oops… How can I forget about my buddies. They can join me, of course.)

Swan Float - I Want YOU!

10 Things I Want To Do To YOU

Naughty Idea # 1

I want to swim beneath it and try my best to spin it in circle. 

If my friend was sitting on it that time, would he/she go dizzy? (Only if I have the strength to spin it first.)

(Else, just spin it with my hands, from the side of the float. That would work as well.)

Naughty Idea # 2

Usually, people would push it forward. But I… want to push it backward instead.

“Eh? Hey! Why backward?” My friend was in shock.

“Ha-ha” I laughed out loud.

Naughty Idea # 3

Let’s scoop water and fill up the seat area! 

Use my hands or any plastic pail seen around the swimming pool.

Well, this only applicable to the type of float that wasn’t designed with two holds in the seat which is meant for user to put their legs into the water, for paddling purposes.

“Hey! There’s so much water in here. Stop it. Man~” There he went, grumbled on my naughty act.

Naughty Idea # 4

While she was relaxing on the float, I tried to do a ‘head bump’ onto the swan’s beak.

Question : Was I able to jump out of the water like ‘Aquaman’ with such speed and power?

Answer : Who knows. Let’s try and see.

(I couldn’t reach it… Ha-ha~)

Naughty Idea # 5

Again, this one required some ‘Aquaman’ speed to jump out from the water and then give the swan a ‘Karate Kick’.

“Hi-ya”!! I shouted when I came out from the water surface. 

But still, my leg was too short… Can’t reach the swan beak.

(Oh, boy~) I thought.

Naughty Idea # 6

(Gotta change tactic this time. How about both legs up and touch its beak? Like the Olympic Artistic Swimmer.) 

“Hmm… Let’s give it a try.” I murmured before swimming closer to the from of the swan float.

(Balancing! Oh my goodness, so difficult to balance myself when having both my legs up.)

“Huh…” Tired. My floating skill can’t seem to balance well. I even tried to just lift up one of my arm out from the water body, I sank right away.

>(At least I tried… Let me take short break…)

Naughty Idea # 7

This time, my turn to enjoy the float. I wasn’t the type that would sit still and do nothing. 

(Let me try to stand up.) I slowly raised from the seat and balanced myself so that the float won’t overturn.

“Hey, can you push me forward please? I want to be the captain of the ship.”

“To the North, We Go!” I shouted with happiness. 

That was fun!

Question : Did my friend revenge on me for the naughty things that I had just done on them?

Answer : Of course! But that’s fine. They only tried to spin the float. That’s all.

(Not everyone as naughty as me.)

Naughty Idea # 8

I was the one sitting in the float. 

(What to do next? How about this?)

Immediately, I laid on my back, straighten my arms and legs; I started to roll to the front and back. 

“Ha-ha!!” My friends laughed at me.

Why? Well, I ended up, rolled into the water. Missed the balancing needs. And the swan float overturned.

(I choked by the pool water. One sip; it tasted bad.)

Naughty Idea # 9

Now, they both sat inside the float. I was swimming in the pool. 

(Still thinking of what to do next?) 

I slowly swam to the back of the float, open the air infusion point… (Let them sink, slowly.)

“Hmm? Do you find the swan becomes slumpy?” She asked him while sensing her touch to the float. 

“Yeah. Air leaks somewhere?” He looked around. 

“Joanna!” He caught me red-handed. I was still releasing the air from the float. 

A whistle blown came towards our way. A life guard or hotel assistant walked over. 

“Hey, you’re not supposed to do that. I need to bring it back to inflate it. Would you guys please pass it over to me please? The life guard said.

“Sorry, I went overboard.” I quickly apologized to him.

Naughty Idea # 10

(Naughty idea # 10? No chance to explore it this time.)

Before the life guard brought back the inflated float, we called it a day as we were tired after an hour in the pool.

But one thing for sure was “WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN!”

What Naughty Idea(s) You Have In Mind Now? I bet, you do! 😉

Looking forward to the next swimming time.

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