What Could You Do About It?

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(Should I write them an email? Or just shoutout a suggestion to them?) Neena thought to herself when she saw that news that was published on the intranet of the company. Neena would start her work day, browsing through any news on their intranet for as quick as five-minutes, before entering into her work-focus mode for the day.

Tuesday morning, that was the news that caught her attention. A new team called ‘Mental Health Consultation Team’ has formed, with the intention to help or assist anyone in the group of companies who suffers or has such issue. They would keep it anonymous on the employee’s name if they ever approach for free consultation from the team.

(Let me see… Who’s there in the team.) Neena clicked into the said team member’s photo. (Hmm… mostly from HQ colleague; and one from safety team. Okay… They all have went through the study or course before rendering their service to the floor.) “Interesting.” Neena said. (Hmm… I do have something popped-up right away for them to think or act upon though… But should I write them?) Neena closed the news page and gotten back to her daily tasks.

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What have I just seen?

She was busy at her work; those never-ending scheduled tasks. But, at a corner of her monkey mind, she was still thinking about the matters that she would like to bring up to that ‘Mental Health Consultation Team’. She tried to shape a way, a sequence of topic, and train of thoughts she has.

About the team

It began with a team of four; with a combination of both men and women. (Okay, somewhat balanced…) Neena started her analysis.

But when comes to keeping the employee who approached them for consultancy session, anonymous; how anonymous would it be? (I believe that this new team would be excited to have your first or first few ‘walk-in’ patients or clients. Wouldn’t you be discussing the case and sharing your views among your team members?) Neena wondered.    

(By the way, who would this team reporting to? At least, one of the director or management team, right?) Neena took a sip on her milk coffee during her short coffee break. She stared to the chirping bird that stood on the outer frame of the window. (Hmm… Who on earth would like to share their mental health status with their company’s management team?!? Wouldn’t that be a suicide action? That would, literally, destroy their career opportunity or even career development. Would there be any bosses that would consider promoting an employee who is suffering mental health, one who can’t handle mental stress well?) “Ha-ha… come on, be realistic.” Neena chuckled a little while putting down her coffee cup. Her office door was closed whenever her lunch break and coffee break. No one heard her chuckling. Well, even if anyone did, Neena won’t even care.

About the patient (i. e. employee)

Humans, nowadays, many have ego issues or stubbornness in them; at different level, i. e. mild or  serious. (How many people will admit that they might be or are having mental health issue? I don’t even admin that I have anger issue or time management issue. Although I tried to improve bit by bit, on my own… I did admit a little, didn’t I?)

(Perhaps people from the western countries would be much open to seek for help from  psychologist or doctor. For people from the east, especially the older generation, never came across their minds.) “Pfft!” Neena couldn’t help imagining her parents’ reaction if she ever suggesting them to go for mental health check. (I might get exiled from home.)

 (What about those professional psychologist consultation fees in the market now? Would it be costly?) People would go for psychology center for treatment that would practice the highest confidential about their mental health issue. (Who would approach internal mental health consulting team then?)

(Emm…) Neena finished her email drafting work and had it sent. That was the pause there. Although she has a multi-tasked skills and mind; better to pay full attention and read through the draft email before clicking the ‘send’ button. 

(One, those that already experienced consulting their mental health phycologist before and knew their mental issue well. This group of patients might want to test the knowledge of this new team of consultants; and see if their advice would be on point or totally out. Their intention most likely not seriously seeking for consultation but more like a game or just for fun. Two, those that finally faced the possibility of their mental health issue but don’t have the funds to get advice and consultation from professional phycologist. They might brave up themselves and try to approach this internal support group that is free-of-charge, hoping that their name would be kept anonymous from their boss and team members.)

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Let's analyse and jot down the ideas~

About the ‘phenomena’

One hours passed, Neena came back to her office after the long meetings with her superior. “Hungry…” She muttered.

(Mental health, mental health… Does it cover mental stress? I think so. Hmm… Now, I’m interested to know if this new team could do something about this topic. By the way, do they have any authority of granted any process improvement power by the top management team? Don’t tell me they’re just going to give mere general advice to their patients.) Today, as well, Neena had to attend the meeting set by her superior. It started right on the time for her lunch break. She can’t join her colleague heading out for lunch but asked for their help to bring her a takeaway meal.

She closed her office door and quickly have her late lunch. (Oh boy… It’s already 2 p.m. Jeez… DO NOT DISTURB! I’m having my lunch break now!) Neena took her lunch break seriously as that was the half-time break after the heavy work-focused morning half of the working hours. Lunch break was the time where she could put aside her worries and decision-making minds on work matters, and enjoy her meal while having some light conversation with her colleagues. (No stress, I need a break.)

(Could I just shoot this issue that a lot of our colleagues are still facing but nowhere to voice up and seek for help? The topic that goes –


(Wait a minute, would this topic falls under mental health consultation team or human resource team? Pretty grey area there… Or maybe they can collaborate and come up with some helpful suggestion to the management team and implement something to those inconsideration meeting schedules?)

This ‘phenomena’ actually happened in every level of employees, irrespective of the job title or position they have. It happened in almost any business sector we have in the market, irrespective of the size of the company, whether it was local company or multi-national companies. It happened in every country, irrespectively of which region the company was operated from.

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Which side? Left or Right?

About the personality

Employees could be grouped in two category, one that considerate on the welfare of their colleagues, as a human being. They would take the efforts to check the time zone the other party is having before scheduling the upcoming meeting. Even if they had no choice but to occupy a little bit of their lunch break, before or after their office hours, they would apology the minute the meeting line was connected. Sometimes, it unavoidable due to the far away countries and time zone issue. One had to sacrifice their afterwork hour while the other party had to wake up early to attend the call.

The other category was what Neena called as inconsiderable group of people. They don’t even bother to check what time zone the other party would be at; they would just set the meeting to their own most convenient timing.

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Sing out loud : "I Want To Break Free~"

(Selfish you! Yeah, you, boss! Yeah you, IT support team as well! Urghhh!!!)

Neena grinded her back teeth and squeezed her fists with full force when she train of thoughts reach this heated-up point. Her emotions rocked like a boat on a rough sea, in those fifteen minutes of conversation in her monkey mind.

(Not only me, it happens to the whole local team too. She did the same thing. Like last week, the meeting was set exactly on our local lunch time, i. e. 12:30noon, again. My local colleagues came to my office and complained about it.) “Go and tell the meeting organizer! Why tell me? I’m not the one organize this meeting.” That afternoon, Neena couldn’t help her temper, she lashed out at her colleague. She also hated meeting at such timing. (What’s the point of complaining to me, how about go and voice up your concern to the organizer directly? What? You expect me to be the heroine to do the complaint on your behalf? Get lost. You chicken or what?) Neena’s anger was over the roof but she didn’t say that to her colleague’s face. That was the most she can do in controlling her anger.

That meeting was actually the second meeting set at the same timing. The first meeting, everyone sacrificed and had their lunch after the meeting session. This second meeting? Some of the local colleagues were smart this time, they neither click ‘accepted’ nor ‘rejected’ on that meeting invitation. They acted as if they overlooked on that email and went straight for their lunch break. 

After several such bias treatment, Neena took up the courage to voice up to her superior if they could have the meeting scheduled either half an hour earlier, i. e. 12 noon to 12:30 noon, or after local lunch time (any time after 1:30 pm).

Neena received a reply from her superior that immediately killed off all the respects she has for her boss. The basic respect level has dropped to negative figure.

‘We are professionals. We have to demonstrate that at our work and be flexi at our working hours. You can have lunch afterwards.’

(Bloody Mary…) Neena scold loud in her mind when she further checked on her superior’s schedules in the Outlook calendar. 

(NOTHING! She doesn’t have any meetings before and after at all. Just because you don’t usually take lunch but only that small box of salads, doesn’t meant that you are the role model that people around the world must also skip their lunch and follow your pattern.)

Neena digested on that comment knowing they won’t have any chance not to sacrifice their lunch break, going forward; for as long as they are still working with this person. The next minute, she smirks… “Hah!” (She just sent a virtual slap to their management team that took the efforts in scheduling two to three meeting sessions on the same topics, just so that all employees located at different time zones could attend either one of the sessions that best fits them. Are you saying they are not professional then? You’re the only one that demonstrates ‘professional’ in the whole company, is that right?) 

“Ha-ha… Dear Gods… What do you want me to learn from this person? Haven’t I seen enough such low-EQ people in my life?” She murmured with her eyes closed. She has to face the ugly reality she was in.

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Thinking (Why...?)

After her late lunch, she bumped into her director at the pantry. “Hey, had your lunch?” Neena asked him. “Yeah, just a quick bite on a bread. A long meeting just now. And another one to start in five minutes. Excuse me, I need to use the restroom before the meeting.”

“My gosh. Smooth meeting then.” Neena wished him and he rushed to the restroom. (Just a quick break of ten minutes in between… Even boss also can’t avoid such inconsiderable meeting schedules. No, I should say, those inconsiderable meeting organizers, to be precised. This director who has been humble in his personality, has just shown me how generous he is. On the other hand, my superior acts as if the tyrant is in the house.) “Hah!” Neena shook her head and continued in making herself a good cup of coffee.

As A Reader, What Do You Think?

Should this topic be raised to the mental health consultation team and/or human resource team? 

Does employee entitle to a do-not-disturb lunch break? 

Does Neena suffering mental stress at work? How many times her emotion and/or anger triggered in a day or in an hour? Neena even laughed out loud when she saw the ‘Mental Health Day’ news that was published on their intranet, with the objective to encourage every employee to enjoy such special day of the year, i. e. 10th October 2022. Sarcastic enough for those that was in a totally different treatment or environment. Such not easily seen mental stress… if not handle properly, it will balloon up and lead the be one of the patients with mental health, that is not easy to cure.


And before your make any advice on this question, do take a step back and think… What your advice or suggestion was based upon? 

Was it due to your curiosity to see what management team would do upon receiving such complaint from an employee? 

Or were you more excited to see what Neena would get after her action of voicing up her disappointment at work? She could be committing ‘suicide’ at her career though. If mental health consultation team ever shared her complaint to top management, there are chance that the top management would further share it to the superior of the complainer, i.e. Neena’s superior. Then, could you guarantee that Neena won’t be having more terrible treatments from her superior, at her work life after this? 

Back to the main question once again,

‘Should this topic be raised to the mental health consultation team and/or human resource team?’
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Interesting question…

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