Gain Or Loss?

Words from the author :

In a company, irrespective of whether it is big or small, local or multi-national company, often times the direction and values of the company are not aligned and practiced across the heads of department. 

Each Head of Department might have their own way of doing things, their own benefits to achieve. Could it be the Ego, Hunger of controlling power and Insecurity in them that lead to limiting the team members that can really perform?

Sad to see that a group of passionate people with positive energy and can-do attitude (I called them real-life heroes/heroine) being put off by those demotivating words and disappointing treatment (can these be classified as mental abuse?) from their managers… 

With such encounter, wouldn’t one just turn away and put their passion on something or somewhere else? I would if I were one of them. What about you?

Without looking into such issue yet still talk about ‘Retain Talent’, what a joke…

So, is this a Gain or Loss to the company? Tell me what do you think.

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