I Don’t Think This Idea Would Work…

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With so many things and encounters happened in the past these few weeks, this thought was triggered at the back of my mind –

‘Is there a place for people with ‘Can Do’ attitude or Positive thinking to chill?’

In the places where I lived, where I worked, and the people that I met, had just brought me to realize that ‘Can Do’ attitude wasn’t really welcome by many. 

Who was I referring to? Well…

1)    Those that was reluctant to change. “There is no need to change!” The ‘old’ way of how they did and handled things, should be the role model. “You just need to follow.” Whatever new ideas or options voiced up or shared with them, would be… rejected.

2)    Those that can’t see others excel in any ways. Everyone should just bow and stay under their umbrella; ‘obey’ to their instructions or orders. ‘NO’ is not acceptable. Same goes with ‘WHY’. If anyone ever asks ‘WHY’, he or she would be deemed as fighting and against them. Better watch out here, as he or she would now be on this group of people’s radar screen – i.e. the next ONE to get rid of.

3)    Those with egoistic personality. Most of the time, this group of people won’t listen, especially to those that seemed to be not at par to their status of society (e.g. not as rich, not as high job positioned, not as highly educated…)

Literally, this group of people seeing themselves as the law maker. “All you people need to do, is to do as I said.” If anyone ever shares new ideas or options in doing thing, most likely he or she would get turned down by this group of people. Not that the idea wasn’t brilliant; it was just that this group of people can’t take the ‘punch’ that someone else was the one that managed to come up with such creative ideas.

4)    Those that has insecurity in them. Instead of taking the more efficient way of doing things, more valued-added processes, this group of people would reject those suggestions. Why? They feel that their position at work might be at risk. They can’t let any of their team member or colleague to shine brighter than them. Without even looking into themselves and finding ways to fix their insecurity issue, they redirect the blame onto others instead. This group of people would scheme something behind the scene just to dim other’s work and performance. “That’s wrong to do things this way, you should have done it this way.” “You didn’t do you job.” Instead of providing guidance to their colleagues, they pointed out other’s fault or mistake in front of a group of people (e.g. in a meeting or in public). Would their desire to humiliate or shame others, make this group of people happier?

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"Reject Their Ideas. Turn Them Down"

As to those that holds positive mindset and practices ‘Can Do’ attitude, I believe that they can see many ways in handling or doing things. “There are 1001 ways of doing things.” “No harm trying.” “All ideas are welcome!” “Sounds great. Let’s try it.”

To my opinion, this group of happy-go-lucky people aimed to keep advancing in themselves, and helping others as well, to do things in a much efficient and effective way.

“Why not, if it would save more time in completing a task?” “Why not, if this way of doing things would be more valued-added or ‘kill two birds with one stone’?” “That way, we could save more time and everyone can go home at 5:30pm, on time.” “We can have more time for ourselves, our families; or spend it on things that make us happy, e.g. our hobbies.”

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Let's do it!

I don’t know about others but I don’t want to spend my time in office politics and dramas in my every day life. It was so tiring to tend to those five groups of people that do not welcome ‘Can Do’ and positive thinking human beings. Cunning mind games, office politics that splitting colleagues into different gangs, people pleasing speech… (Give me a break!)

(Oh, Gods… Why did YOU sending these people crossing this life path of mine? What else do YOU want me to learn from them? Haven’t I seen enough of these ugly truths? Don’t tell me that YOU want to wipe away my ‘Can do’ attitude and Positive mindset that I held as my principles. No, I don’t think YOU do. Maybe YOU want me to learn how to discern, how to handle my emotions, how to maintain the values I held close to heart while I was living in these group of ‘demotivating’ communities?)

Question 1: Is there a workplace that not only hiring but appreciating ‘Can Do’ attitude and Positive thinking people? Is there any? Well, of course, when we have a bunch of ‘Can Do’ attitude people, some compromising level and able take a step back in choosing the optimum selection from all those ‘Can Do’ ideas, might be needed. If stubbornness kicks in where everyone only wants to go by their ‘Can Do’ idea, then debates might follow next.

Question 2: Is there a place where only ‘Can Do’ attitude or Positive thinking people could live? That way, no dramas to waste our precious times. We can pass our days with genuine smile on our face. We can be stress-free when we could live among authentic people. It is fine to just chill on a cozy afternoon with a cup of cappuccino, let the mind goes blank and simply starring at the clear blue sky. No more having to ‘take a deep breath’ when facing those people that doesn’t vibe along (not a tiny bit) or share the similar way of thinking or mindset, attitude and behaviour, during our day. 

Just a place for us to chill and relax…?

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Just chill... (I'm happy with just this)

But if such a place really appeared on this earth, I trust that many people that do not have the same mindset or values, would try their very best to squeeze themselves to be in this place and live in this ‘zone’. They, too, want to be ‘seen’ as ‘Can Do’ and/or positive-thinking group even when they were not and never would. Get the ‘permit’ to enter this ‘happy land’ by some under-table bribing acts, bias networking arrangement, this and that. That’s not new, in where I lived though.

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How about granting me with this small wish as a good start? 

Can I have team members that have ‘Can Do’ attitude or at least positive mindset, at a work place (irrespective of level of position they hold)?

(I am just an average human; I, too, can be disappointed and demotivated by sickening blames and negative energies around me. It took me a long time to bring myself to be positive thinking. I don’t want to be pulled back to the past behaviour of a low-confidence and passive person. Pretty please…?) (Blessed.)

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