Now, I Am Confused…

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“What is this… Jeez!” Lianne put down the book that she was reading to the other side of her bed; and then buried herself under the cozy blanket. That was another book on ‘Wisdom’ topic that she had rented from the library, this month.

“Urgh…” Lianne turned over and laid on her back. She looked at the ceiling that was painted in pearl white, last autumn.

Among all types of genres, Lianne loves self-improvement topic, the most. A few incidents she experienced in the past five years had led her to realize that something needs to change; i.e. a change in her way of thinking, a change in handling and doing things, a change in many other aspects. Aside from self-learning through listening to insightful speeches from various life coaches that she could find from the internet; Lianne also tried to learn it from books. Without limiting herself in picking up a guide book or video by author or country, she managed to obtain some inspiring tips from authors, literally, worldwide.

But now, Lianne was rather confused when she tried to connect the dot from the takeaways she learnt thus far. Often times, Lianne was able to grasp the messages from the self-help topics she read and paint a bigger picture. With the clear identification of the root cause to the subject matter, say, one’s behaviour, she could then think of the action(s) that she needed to put in action; in order to change, not for anyone else but for her to be a better self, each day.

But now, Lianne was rather confused when she tried to connect the dot from the takeaways she learnt thus far. Often times, Lianne was able to grasp the messages from the self-help topics she read and paint a bigger picture. With the clear identification of the root cause to the subject matter, say, one’s behaviour, she could then think of the action(s) that she needed to put in action; in order to change, not for anyone else but for her to be a better self, each day.

But, Lianne faced a little bottleneck this time. The ‘Authentic self’ and ‘Wise life’ quotes clashed, somehow…

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(‘Authentic Self’ – I learnt it from self-love quotes and guide books… One was taught:

       To be your authentic self and don’t be afraid of showing the world your true self.

       Stop hiding behind your fear(s) and no more wearing any people-pleasing mask(s).

       Have the courage to set your boundaries, stand up for yourself (e.g. your view point(s), moral or life principle or beliefs you hold close to heart) without offending others.

       Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion or whatsoever comments other’s might have swayed or drown out your own inner voice.)

These were some of the significant points that I’ve summarized…)

Lianne had her eyes closed but her eyeballs were moving around beneath her eye lids. She was, literally, lost in the conversations she has in her monkey mind. If Lianne’s father saw her at that moment, he might think that Lianne was sleeping.

(Now, on the other hand, here comes the ‘Wise Life’ quotes. Wisdom can be learnt from many ways. It’s a topic that could be learnt through one’s every day’s routine activities, through interaction with others, through the way how one was reacting and handling a matter. Similar wisdom guides as such were mentioned in religious books as well. Such in-depth yet interesting topic that many people sought after at certain stage of their life path…)

Lianne gotten up from her bed and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

(Hmm? Dad went out?) Lianne took a glance at the clock on the kitchen wall. (It’s already 3:30pm? Wow… Sunday afternoon sure passed in a blink of an eye, huh?)

Lianne whistled softly to a song’s rhythm while preparing the steamy hot 3-in-1 coffee, in her favourite mug that has a huge sunflower smiley face on it.

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(Where was I just now…?) Lianne took a few sips of the coffee. She sat on the wooden chair by the balcony – her favourite spot – that gave the calming garden view of the neighbourhood she lived.

(Oh yeah…)

‘Fools Multiply When Wise Men Are Silent’

‘The Smarter You Get The Less You Speak’

‘Silence Is The Language Of The Wise Men’

(Why must one stay silence when on the other hand, he or she was encouraged to voice up their authentic thoughts? I just couldn’t get this. When I saw the wrong doing of my friend or colleague, shouldn’t I tell them? I should stay quiet about that, instead? Seriously?!?)

“Why so? Can anyone tell me why?” Lianne couldn’t help but said this out rather loud, to the space in front of her. Her voice echoed from balcony into her bedroom, a little. Lianne wasn’t expecting a reply from anyone as no one was home besides herself.  

(Weren’t these two quotes conflicting?)

(Shouldn’t I voice up my thought or point out other’s mistake (politely) and share any idea(s) that might be a better option, at least once? If he or she still insists on their way of doing thing, then, yes, I would and should stay quiet thereafter. How others want to do is totally beyond my control. Have it your way then.)

(Guess I might need more time to really understand these wisdom quotes.)

Lianne continued enjoying her coffee during that cozy afternoon. Her father came back with her favourite donuts, half an hour later. Lianne made her father a cup of black coffee. Unlike Lianne, her father wasn’t a sweet tooth person.

(Let me ask Dad for his view on those conflicting quotes. I would then ask around my close friends and see what their thoughts might be. 

Just for my reference. 

I would listen to their thoughts but that doesn’t mean I must take their words. I would still continue searching for an answer until I could truly grasp the message behind these wisdom quotes. 

No rush. Self-improvement never ends.)

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