Who Named It Like This? (18X)

Sunday afternoon, while I was browsing through the online shopping website, searching for some spare parts (i.e. screws and nuts) to fix my gate, other similar items also shown for my selection. And these connectors (see below)… really caught me off-guard.




‘Reducing Nipple’?

‘Bleed Screw’?

Seriously? Aren’t these terms or names already convicting an offence on ‘sexual harassment’? How on earth such names were allowed in our everyday living life?


It is not only men that would go and buy spare parts, women and youngsters too. How awkward would that be when they said such spare parts’ name to the spare parts’ shop assistant? Are we trying to humiliate the consumers (especially women) or what?

Could the person that named these spare parts come forward and let us interview him or her the reason they had this vocab. in mind?

I don’t know… but I can’t help to get the impression that the person who named the spare parts this way, high-likely be sexually-addicted, nipple fetish, bleeding fetish or so. If you can’t think of a neutral name for the items, feel free to approach anyone. I believe we have a lot of creative people with brilliant ideas around us.

Although, I found the screw and nut that I need to buy in the end of the search, I was agitated by this shocking discovery though.



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