I Won’t Download These Games Unless The Creator Fix Them


Like most people do, I, too, play games sometimes. A few games apps have been downloaded in my mobile phone for me to kill time while spending the long hours journey in the bus or MRT (i.e. Mass Rapid Transit).

(Jeez… Again those lengthy ads, they are disturbing my focus on the game, every five minutes.) So annoying

(Hmm? Wait a minute… What?) Something just successfully gets my attention back to the ads. 

(What the hxll is this? Such Preview Story to introduce the games apps?) There is this short story before leading the viewers to the games. I believe most people might have seen them too.

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?


A games apps that require one to pull the pin to let the items (e.g. water, money, ball) flow through the curvy pipe and reach the poor mother and daughter (that are suffering the cold or drought).

Has anyone ever noticed what’s wrong about it? The preview story was all the more on a man that abandons his wife, family or his child for a prettier woman!! What in the world?!? Is this game only meant for 18+ and above? I look for such warning wording, up and down. Not found. That means this kind of games are also applicable for children and youngsters.

Hey, games apps’ designer! What were you trying to promote here? Are you encouraging this kind of immature or low-moral actions of an adults to the community? Are you trying to amplify that such actions are acceptable? This would mislead the young ones. What if they unconsciously pick up such acts, and do the same when they grow up, i.e. irresponsibly abandon their family members for another person? Is this kind of community and neighbourhood we expect to have now and in near future?

Can you tell me why you create such scene above all available story scenarios? What was the message you would like to convey here?

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?


The fashion games apps where one is required to help the muddy or dirty-looking lady to have a total makeover. Just take a look at the options this game provides; only three options for one to choose. And then the games were set to give marks on the makeover one has mix-and-match for that lady.

“Excuse me! Do you have a problem here? I like this kind of mix and match and who are you to judge my choice and my fashion taste? What basis you used to set the marking system? Is it from any famous designer’s taste? Even if you are, still no one should criticize how and what I wear. You are nobody to me. And I’m not a mere follower. If you can’t appreciate my uniqueness, then, don’t look.

Let me tell you, although the designs were from the hands of the famous designers, that doesn’t mean everyone will or must like their designs. Everyone can have their own unique way of wearing what they feel like to wear and how they want to present themselves. Don’t you dare to criticize on one’s choice. Are you perhaps bias? Then, that’s very rude of you.

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?


Same thing goes for the interior design games apps. The space that one is asked to decorate could either be the dining room or bedroom, and again, only three choices were given on wall papers, carpets, paint colours and so on.

And then, don’t know based on whose judgement, the games apps will give a ‘FAIL!’ in large bold word. With just one glance at the ads, already pisses me off. Again, who are you to judge how I would like to decorate my space? If I own a house, I would make it such a way that it becomes a place that I find comfortable in.

One might have already tried their best to pick the most acceptable option (from those pitiful three choices from the games apps) that could best fit their taste, then finalize the decoration task. And now you give them a ‘FAIL’. Shxtty games! This games apps are also applicable for children.

As any games player or user, I would be looking forward for a games apps that would encourage people to maximize their creativity and artistic skills; and a games apps that allow user to share their creation with their circle of friends. Not any games that literally ‘kill’ their creativity and imagination by keep giving them a ‘FAIL’, ‘FAIL, ‘FAIL’!

In reality, I would prefer to visit my friend’s house that demonstrates his or her own taste, their creative decorations and so on. Wouldn’t one feel bored if everyone’s house is decorated in the same way, like a cookie-cutter?

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?

Come on… Can you all (i.e. games creator or designer) fix the needed? If you can’t encourage the creativity in people, at least don’t demotivate their work by giving them a FAIL. We need games apps that boost positive thinking. You get what I mean?

You’d better fix them; else I won’t ever download or play those games apps. For now, I need to alert my niece and nephew, and my friends too, for not letting their children to be influenced by these ‘at-once-glance-already-can-tell-it-has-hidden-mental-issue-messages’ games apps.

Thank you very much.

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?

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