You Like That Seat So Much? You Can Have It.

That Seat

(Fariq can’t hide his happiness in the meeting just now.) I can see his proud facial expression from where I seated. What happened to Fariq? From what I see, it is simply because he managed to occupy that seat in the meeting room.

After lunch, boss called us all for a meeting, he (i.e. our boss) took the seat nearer to the white board, so that easier for him to project his work through his laptop.

The center seat in the room, the seat that is at the curve edge of the U-shaped meeting table, to be precised. Most people would presume that seat as the chairman or boss’s seat.

(Speechless… for me to witness such scene. What was he thinking? Are you saying that by sitting on that chair, makes you a Boss?)

No, it doesn’t, unless you demonstrate your capacity and roles as the leader. The good thing of taking the seat at the centre of the meeting room, to my opinion, it allows the one sitting on it has a full view of participants around the meeting table and, in returns, allows participants to be able to see him or her (the one on the center seat) when they do the talking. What else could it bring?

If the leader decides to sit at another seat during the meeting, would he now no longer the leader? Would the team members ignore his role as the leader?

Humans, not everyone can lead (let’s be frank). Most people, sometimes need someone to stand up and give them a clear direction and sometimes even instruction(s) to guide the crowd where to go or what to do next. For one that holds the ability to see the bigger picture, justify the pros and cons in each option available on the subject or matter, can spontaneously make decision with a rational mindset and reduce as much risk as possible – no doubt, he or she plays the roles of a Leader. ‘Leader’ is not an easy role at all.

If the leader, so happen to choose to sit on the floor when they were out and about, I believe the leader’s words or speech would still catch the attention of people around and get the respect from others. People might end up gather and sit around him, together, on the floor.

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Human, lives in community mode and tends to look up to the person or leader that truly can lead the pack; they would unconsciously wish to be like just like the leader, want to talk to them (although some of them might emit intimidating vibes), and learn from them as well.

So, I wonder if Fariq is respecting the seat more than the boss (leader)? If I were the leader and saw this team member who loves this seat so much, I might give him or her a chance to lead or present the meeting. See if they can perform. It’s a test for them. If they could, then worth investing in this staff; else, they should have felt the ‘taste or responsibility stress’ of leading the meeting or the team. Hope that the naughty side of me didn’t override my rational mind, I might ask “You seemed to like this seat so much, do you want to take the chair home? It’d be as a gift from the company.” 

Ha-ha… I am bad, I know… My monkey mind has running wild, again!

2 thoughts on “You Like That Seat So Much? You Can Have It.”

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