Perhaps, A Stop-developed Brain?

“One more time, and you’re dead.” Was what she said to him when she finally returned to her seat. A drama has just presented before my very eyes, right in front of me. (What a show…)

What about? Well, I am not if I was too lucky or not quite, to have seated next to this young couple, on the seating row closest to the emergency lane. The seats at this row, would not have the luxury to place any bags beneath the front seat. According to the aircraft’s safety requirements or rules, that is not allowed.

So, this ‘creature’ (Excuse me, I really don’t feel like addressing her as a woman as she has literally lowered the status of all women in the world) insisted to have her small handbag with her on her seat. The air stewardess has politely informed her to place the bag to the above-compartment. She showed her annoyed ‘black’ face and told her boyfriend “I don’t want. I have my personal things inside.” (Whose bag doesn’t have their personal things in it? Hello?) I rolled my eyes when I heard that.

“If that’s the case, I’m afraid that you would have to change your seat.” The air stewardess advised her after seeing her non-cooperative manner to the aircraft’s safety requirements. That ‘creature’ remained quiet for a while and her boyfriend stood up to help her putting her handbag into the backpack which they had placed it in the above compartment earlier.

“I don’t like the way the air stewardess said that to me.” Drama queen said.

“They were just performing their jobs.” Her rational boyfriend replied. She then became quiet and then suddenly stood up, grabbed her backpack, pulled out her ‘leave it alone’ handbag and went straight to the lavatory.

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Some time passed; she was still not to be seen. Her boyfriend saw the aircraft was about to take off and his girlfriend was still not seemed to return to her seat. “Can you please don’t be like that? Can you not stress me like this? Please? I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please?” He begged her over a phone call. He had no choice but to rush to the laboratory to convince her, to come out and go back to their seats.

She hid her handbag behind her back; used her slim body to cover it up, bypassing the eyes of the air stewardesses’ final inspection work before aircraft is taking off.

“You know that that was for safety reason, right?” He said to her.

“I don’t care!” She said.

(You shouldn’t have bought this economy ticket in the first place. Why trouble yourself to sit in economy seat that was randomly selected by the airlines on your behalf? Can’t pay for the fee for your preferred seats? Or can’t afford to get yourself a first-class ticket or perhaps private jet seat… For sure the air stewardess in those section would comply to all your requests.)

I have the urge to call for the captain to throw her out from this aircraft. Do we (i.e. all the passengers) have to risk our safety for her ‘brainless’ manner?

An air stewardess came to our row, called out the seat number and drama queen looked up.

“Ma’am, you left your passport in the lavatory.” She grabbed back her passport without any ‘thank you’ to that air stewardess. And then throwed her passport to her boyfriend. Yes, she threw; not hand over though.

(What a shxtty attitude!!)

Her boyfriend picked up the passport that was dropped onto the floor and then stayed quiet, since then. I think he was pissed off by her rudeness by now.

Should I write a message in a paper to this young man? I don’t think this budget airline has such service to provide me a pen and paper. If I could, this would be how it read.

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“Young man,

I witnessed the drama your girlfriend has just presented just now. Yes, I was seated right next to you guys.

I have a question to you – What in her that charmed you?

Was it her beauty? I believe so as it can’t be her mindset and manner.

Beauty fades; but one’s manner and characteristics will stay for long.

She has just demonstrated her irrational mindset and action that was low-EQ and even worse than a 3-year-old child. Throwing the item to you as if you were a dog. She can’t even show the basic respect a human being should at least have.

Are you planning to have her just as a playmate? If yes, then have it your way.

If not, then perhaps you might want to think it over? Is she a ‘wifey material’? For one that can’t comprehend the situation needs, share with you, and/or support you through the highs and lows… Are you sure this is what you want? If you do, then, God bless you. Now, she throws tantrum and you would need to persuade her and give in to her attitude. What would it be when you both has married? To ‘enjoy’ this kind of dramas every alternate day after you returned from tiring work? Wow! You must be very patient.

How about use your brain not just your eyes? Anyway, whatever your decision is, you decide; as long as you are happy with the consequences. All good then.

We always have a choice. What we want? It is all within our hand. Just don’t regret afterwards for not choosing what our guts feeling has tried to tell us.”

Aircraft has safely landed.

While waiting for the queue to slowly marching out from the plane, this young man whispered to his girlfriend “… If this kind of thing happens again… bla bla blah… I’m serious. This time, I’m serious.” He said it in serious tone. But I didn’t overhear the complete sentences but I guess he has made some sort of decision to her irrational attitude.

(Hey, young man, you have brain! Not bad.)

“Then, later you walk your way, I walk my way.” She replied instantly.

(See? How shxtty she was?)

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I am not sure if anyone ever share the same observation as mine – i.e. only those ‘almost-can-categorized-themselves-as-RICH-borderline’ people would love to show off their arrogant attitude and look down on others. Those real rich category ones, would still be able to demonstrate their EQ in public.

To all the guys and girls out there, irrespective of your age, “Do you really want this type of nasty-quality ‘creature’ as your partner? Be it for long-term or just short-term relationships, “get away from me please” is my answer. I look for quality not quantity in my circle of friends.”

He then went into silence mode. Not sure if he has ‘chicken back’ or retreat by the fact that she wouldn’t compromise a tiny bit; or perhaps being a man, he can’t bring himself to leave her alone on this foreign land? 

(I have no idea.)

Until I was queuing at immigration check point, I saw them both queued at the other lane. That young man in tall, so quite easy to spot on. No conversation at all; between both of them.

Guess, he might have given in and went with her attitude? Poor thing… How would this trip be enjoyable then? No wonder many friends and couples called off their relationship after a trip. Reason being, during their trip, they happened to have the chance to see the other one’s true colour, i.e. manner, accustomed-behaviour, manner and attitude towards a subject matter and the relationship they have built thus far.

It’s not a bad thing actually. You get the chance to witness it now is better then found out about it later on, when it is ‘too late’. Witness it earlier would help us to not wasting anymore precious time and emotions invested in this relationship or matter.

Anyway, finally it’s my turn to go through the immigration checkpoint.

(Thai food, here I come! I’m going to enjoy my relaxing trip!)

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From this trip, I have seen the manners of most youngsters in Thailand and if I were to compared to the youngsters I have seen in Singapore, it’s just huge contrast. Irrespective of rich or poor, youngsters in Thailand still demonstrate basic manners, e.g. courtesy greetings, thank you and so on. Singapore? How about you observe it yourself?

I had some takeaways – ‘If I were a local (Singapore) man, I won’t go for local (Singapore) women as my partner.’ But that is so unfair and bias as not all local Singapore women are low in moral.

So, my apology, I should quote my takeaways like this – ‘If I were a man (maybe next life), I won’t go for a partner that can’t demonstrate basis manner and moral awareness.’ Yes, this is the message I would like to send across. Blessed!

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