Do You Like Curry Chicken? (Ch10.6 to 10.9)

boys, happy, portrait-5833833.jpg
Haha~ Haha~

Chapter 10.6 - Nick Name

Gee wrote his whole day activities in his long messages to me. Back and forth, we converse like any close friends. Light and easy…

“I hope you don’t laugh because I have been thinking a lot o fitting names for my baby…” He says through his word. Today, we talk about giving each other a nick name.

“Yeah, please do. As long as you’re happy with it.” I don’t mind at all. But the moment I read his next incoming message; I burst into laughter! Can help it! (Hahaha…)

“Cool breeze.” The nick name he thinks would best fit me.

 “Is the air-cond. in your house broken? Hahaha… I can’t stop laughing by imagining what triggers you to have this name for me.”

I reply him in words while still laughing, hard to catch my breath. Way too funny!

“Hahaha… Baby, you are truly a cool breeze. You calmed my spirit and made me so happy… It’s been a lot of smiles, joy, happiness and laughter since you came into my life… You penetrated my heart like the cool breeze.” Gee explains and completes his message with a heart icon.

(Aww… so sweet…) “I’m proud to be one.” I type.

“Hope you will remain that special cool breeze to my heart, my cool breeze?” He asks.

“I’ll do my very best.” “I’m looking for a long-term partner. If he could love me for who I am, that’s a given to me. I’d love him in triple-fold. Once I committed to him, that’d be the promise that I’d hold dear, to him, for both of us, for our future days.” I claim my wish and my commitment for my future partner.

(I am the type that would do my utmost in complying with the promises I made to one. That is why I would not simply make promise or committing myself to certain thing or act.)

“So, between you and me, no lies and be frank please. Let me know all your good and bad, strong points and weaknesses.” “Try to close or eliminate any communication misunderstanding there might be.” I add further.

 (Hmm… No reply? Did he go to bed already.) He didn’t reply on this long message that I have just sent him. It’s almost his midnight, now…

 (Later days, when I traced back this series of conversation messages, he really didn’t type anything replying to them. Strange, so unlike him. Did he purposely ignore it for knowing well that he won’t be committing to any of it? I don’t know… Never would I get the answer.)

Chapter 10.7 - Why Hesitate To Laugh Out Loud?

The way Gee chuckles in a very shy way, almost like he is holding in, hard. Is there a need to hold onto laughter? Laugh it out loud, just like me. (I wonder, why? Was he trying to maintain his gentleness in our voice call? There’s no need to do that, isn’t it?)

“You always laugh like this…” I mimic the way Gee chuckles. “Won’t you just laugh out loud when you’re happy?” I can’t help but ask him directly, one evening, my time zone.

“I… don’t usually laugh.” Gee claims.

“What?” I reply in high pitch voice. (What did I just hear?)

“I have never had someone that I could share jokes and laughter together like we do. Not in all my past relationships, I have not experienced such happiness before.” He continues it with his low-pitch voice, calmly.

“Huh? In your past relationships, you never joke around with your ex?!? What kind of relationship was that?” “Aren’t you supposed to share more joys and happiness with your partner than what you would with your colleagues or friends?” I am shock to hear this from him. Ask several questions in one go.

“You’re supposed to show your true self to you loved ones, right?” I ask.

(In later days, only I came to realize how egoistic this statement of mine was. When I recalled back from my past relationship, I also didn’t have much chances to be the real me and joke around with my-ex, during our time together. There wasn’t much leisure interaction or in-depth discussion topics we had between us, as well. Unlike what I’ve experienced with Gee now.)

“I don’t know… None of my past relationships gave me the home feeling like you do.” “You know I love you so much, don’t you?” “You have never failed to bring me happiness, just like what I called you, you’re like my ‘cool breeze’, ever since we met, you can easily bring a smile to my face and make me so happy. I love you, babe.”

“How about when you’re at work? You don’t joke around with your colleagues?” I continue asking with a smile on my face after hearing his love confession.

(I can feel the stress level that Gee has in his daily life. Why would a person not laugh out loud to his heart’s content when he is happy? I’m not referring to business smile that one should maintain at work.)

“Well, at work, I am always serious. I don’t laugh. I want my workers to do things seriously and make sure works are delivered on time.”

“Oh my… this baby Gee alone is handful for me. You don’t laugh, you don’t joke…” “Well, to me, it is okay to joke around with colleagues. But when comes to work matters, work is work, we would then put back on our serious face and make sure job is done on time, no doubt about that. But any other time, we would still have some jokes and laughs, you know.” “That way, workers might find that their boss is pretty down to earth and approachable. Don’t you think that would give a more harmony vibes in the office? Your team members would be more willing to open up and share their ideas with you and I think they would be more willing to render a hand to you when you needed it?” I am worried about Gee… A straight-face boss, in the office.

“…” Gee tries to digest on what I have just said and remains silence, for a few seconds. “Hmm… You’re extraordinary. I think you’re very intelligent, baby. Would you tell me more about these soft skills?”

“I’d try. Hehe…” Sure, I’m willing to!

“I admire the woman in you; you can multi-tasking; I could never do that.” He adds.

“Well, that’s the different between men and women. Seems like men can only focusing on one thing at a time; while women, can do many things concurrently.” “That’s not your fault. Don’t worry too much.” I explain the facts on gender differences that I understand, using my own words, to Gee.

“You should see when I drive. I would sing without skipping any lyrics, drive, eat junk food and still able to have conversation with you.” I joke with him as the topic for today sounds a little heavy.

“Haha… I can’t wait. Babe, next time, you drive me to work.” He chuckles.

“Sure, I like to drive. It’s been a while I haven’t drive. Ever since lockdown, I can’t even travel home; so no driving so far.” “Oh yeah, in the US, driver seat is on the left side, right?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s on the left side.” Gee replied.

“Oh… Okay, then you’d better remind me when I’m at the roundabout, I might confuse which side to go.” I might forget, should I go clockwise or anti-clockwise.

“Ok, no problem. I’d be your GPS.” He chuckles in his reply.

“Yes, please. I need that as I’m not good with directions, haha…” “I think I might stress you out if I were the one driving.” I laugh.

“That’s fine. I’m looking forward to it. My baby is going to drive me to work~” happy mode resonates in his reply.

Chapter 10.8 - Vitamins For Eyes

We need to do some exercise to keep ourselves fit, irrespective of our ages. So, although I might be lazy at times, I do force myself to at least go for an-hour brisk walk, once a week.

This evening, I’ve done with my working-from-home tasks.
The sky is still bright outside, not yet fully sunset. Okay, quickly changing my outfit; grab my snickers, water tumbler, mobile phone and my earpiece. (Yes, music is a must for me. How can one live without music?)

Nearby to the place I stay, few blocks away, there’s school field. Easily to spot people jogging and or cycling there. I sing along with the songs that are playing from my favourite playlist. I like singing, a lot! Even though, not knowing the lyrics completely, I just humming along and try to pick up as much lyrics by listening closely to it. Or just sing when it comes to the chorus part. (Hahaha…)

I complete my one-hour brisk walk. Heading nearby coffee shop to grab some light dinner before heading home. Grill chicken chop, I feel like having it tonight. Alright, order and pay. Recalling an advice from fitness trainer (from internet) that one should take protein right after workout, is most ideal choice. So, I go for low carbohydrate for my dinner, tonight.

When I’m done eating, I stroll slowing, walking home. Incoming call rings, Gee is calling.

panda bear, giant panda, black-and-white-2479275.jpg

“Hey, babe, good evening to you.” “I just woke up, still lazing on the bed.” “What are you doing now?” He asks, with lazy voice. Seems like someone still yet to get up from his bed.

“Good morning, Gee. I went for a walk at the field, nearby. Just done with my dinner.” “How are you feeling today?” (Again, I feel good to hear someone asking me “How do you feeling today? How was your day going? I just love it.)

“Oh, evening walk? How was it?” He continues.

“Not bad. Some handsome guys jog there. I have my vitamins for my eyes.” Again, I am being naughty and teasing Gee.

“What? Handsome guys?” Gee responds, in a hurry.

“Yeah, you know. I like watching beautiful things, like men, women, kids, or even beautiful objects.” “Handsome men and women can only be seen by chance; not that we have a bunch of good-looking men and pretty women on the street. Maybe where you stay has a lot of pretty faces. It’s only by chance over here though. So, I’d surely take my eye vitamins whenever they were sighted.” I explain this weird hobby of mine.

“Haha… Vitamins for your eyes, huh?” Gee chuckles.

“Yeah, just now there’s a guy, with his body-built and height, I think perhaps Gee might be looking like this state…” “So, I watched him whenever he jogged passing me.” I tell Gee with excitement.

“Oh, babe, I feel jealous. When I’m with you, you cannot look at other men.” Gee sounds his mind. A rather serious voice he used there. (Hahaha…)

“I’d tell you to look at them as well. We watch them together.” I suggest. (Haha… I’m naughty.)

“No, no, no…” his quickly responds.

“So, when you see some handsome guy walking toward us, you’d block my vision or twist my head to the other direction, is that right?” I start my joke.

“Yes!! How did you know that? I’d say “Hey, babe, look at that dress over there!” and then, I’d block your vision with my body. You won’t see that guy at all.” Gee further elaborates.

“Hahaha… Gee… Hahaha…” (Oh, my goodness, I laugh out loud. Can’t speak a complete sentence, for a while.)

Gee also laughs at the other end of the line. “Baby, you know that you occupy my whole heart? You have the key to my heart. No one else.” He says.

(Warm feeling floods my heart…)

“Oh, that whole apartment in your heart belongs to me?” I joke again.

“Yeah, you have the key to that whole apartment.” He joins in my joke.

“Finger-print access; now no more using house key. High-tech already.” I remind him.

“Finger print? Oh, okay.” He can grasp my jokes without any difficulties.

(Love this part of him. Not many of my friend that can catch-up with my flow of imagination, especially my jokes. Only a few of them, do.)

“Then~ I can tickle, pinch from the inside, right?” I like teasing him.

“Yeah, you can do anything to it; just take good care of my heart.” Gee begs.

“Haha… okay.” I chuckle.

“Babe, I’m going to have my shower. Are you home already?”

“Yeah, I’m right in front of my block now. Going up, soon.” “Oh, there’s a motorcycle passing by. Too dark, can’t see the driver if he is handsome or not.” I joke again when motorcyclist drives pass me.

“Hahaha… Babe! Haha… I need to go now, I’d call later when I’m about to leave for work, ok?” This time, he laughs our loud. He can’t stand my silliness.

That’s another happy chatting moment we had, that couples with some silly jokes.

Today, I feel good, as well!

(Happy mood overwhelms me.)

Chapter 10.9 - Do You Like Curry Chicken?

mutton fry, mutton gravy, chicken curry-7176341.jpg

“A beautiful morning to my beautiful baby…” “Are you still laying on in bed now?” Gee sends me his morning greeting message, as usual.

“I had dinner and I ate curry chicken, and it was yummy.” Openly sharing his daily routine for the day (during my sleeping time).

“Do you like curry chicken?” Gee asks.

“What are you having for breakfast today?” One message after another…

“Good evening to you, dear Gee.” “Curry chicken? Yes, I do eat it sometimes.” I type.

“But now this question of yours leads me to another laughing point.”

“If you ask me this question openly in public, or in my hometown where there’s a bunch of people who understand Mandarin or Cantonese… ” I continue typing and start to laugh.

“Curry Chicken could also mean Love Bite (hickey).”

“Don’t ask me this question in public as I don’t know whether to answer you or just keep quiet. Hahaha… I am laughing out loud now.” I type with my shaking fingers as I laugh out loud, imagining the scenario in my head. Too hilarious!

“Out of so many foods, yet you ask me about ‘curry chicken’… I laugh until my stomach aches already! Hahaha…”

“If my group of naughty friends hear this question of yours, they would surely tease me… “Oh~ Curry Chicken~? So, Mint likes curry chicken, huh~ Curry chicken” (they surely refer it to love bites).”

“Oh really? I don’t know that another meaning of ‘curry chicken’. Hahaha…” He replies after reading all my long messages.

“I will still love to ask you, so you will be shy and cling to me. And I will tell the onlookers that we are having curry chicken soon.” He writes.

“Oh gosh…. Lol… I can’t stop laughing… Hahaha…” I reply in light-speed typing.

“I can’t stop laughing right now baby… I want to curry chicken with my baby soon, my beautiful and sweet baby.” He is amused by it, as well. (An image of Gee laughs out loud is playing on my imagination. Must be a cute baby, to my eyes…)

 “Please don’t ask me this question in public, please.” I re-emphasise to him.

“Hahaha… sure, I won’t, baby.” He sends his promises with an angelic smiley face icon.

“As I might laugh until rolling on the floor.” “Now, you learnt a new meaning of this word in Mandarin and Cantonese.” I am still wearing a smile while writing this reply to him.

“Hahaha… Don’t laugh too much, okay?” “Yeah, I learnt a new meaning to the words, Hahaha…”

“But I want to curry chicken with my baby.” He makes his point.

“Haha… Wow, you’re indeed a fast learner. You even use it as a Verb now. Haha…”

I think I am pretty easily be humored. I can laugh over a small joke. Laughter keeps going on between us.

Happiness upon happiness, we experience it both ways, every day.

Chapter 10.10 - That Three Words

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