Do You Like Curry Chicken? (Ch11.4 to 11.5)

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Chapter 11.4 - Give In

Fifteen minutes later, my phone rings. I was disturbed by it and wake up. A strange phone number shown on my mobile screen. I pick up the phone and say “Hello?”

“Hey, babe. It’s Gee. I’m sorry that I dropped my phone at the pub and I just got this new phone.” Gee’s panic voice echoing in my ear.

(It’s Gee!! He finally calls! My tears start dripping again.)

“Gee.” I couldn’t bring myself to say more than this, at this very moment.

“Why is my baby sobbing?” Gee asks.

(He never fails to notice the slight change in my voice and know the current tone is not my usual happy tone.)

“I’m so sorry baby; I dropped my phone last night in the pub. I was celebrating with my colleagues. I sent you messages but you never reply. I called you with this new phone, and you blocked me. I was so worried.” “I even sent you message in dating app.” Gee explains further.

(Hmm…? My phone never rings. I take a peek onto my mobile phone, there’s a few new messages from an unknown number but with Gee’s messages in them. Oh no, how can I forget? My mobile phone has just finished its upgrade works and took some times to reboot. That’s why his messages only get through, just now. Seems like the timing was not right. I logged out dating apps just an hour ago before sending my phone for software upgrade.)

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“Where were you? I was so worried, you know? I cried just now.” My voice still sobering.

“I’m sorry, babe. Would you forgive me?” Gee apologizes again, and again.

“Okay, you’re forgiven.” (If he lost his phone, then can’t blame him, not his fault to begin with. At least he calls immediately with his new mobile phone.)

“Thank you, baby.” “You know what? I have good news to share with you.” Gee feels relief and can’t hide his happiness anymore.

“What is it?” I ask. (I can’t think much at this point. I mind is literally, in a mess.)

“My Singapore project has been awarded!” he replies with excitement!

(My eyes wide open! What? For real?)

“Serious?” I want to re-confirm.

“Yes, they finally approved my request to have my local workers to be insured.” “Baby, can you give me your email address? I would send you something to see.” Gee continues.

“I’m so happy for you, Gee! Hahaha… Congratulations!” “Okay, I’d send you my email address afterwards.”

Gee did share with me previously that their team is busy tendering for Asia project, i.e. a Singapore-Malaysia offshore project. They want to penetrate into Asia market, for the very first time. His team has been enthusiastically putting a lot of efforts in getting this project. And if they get it, he would come to Singapore to lead the project, until the project fully tested and handed over to project operation owner. (I listened to this project tender topic that he said, but I choose to brush it off for the time being. Tendering a project in Singapore is not easy. I experienced those tender processes when I was with my previous employment. Let’s see how it goes.) 

But now, this news indeed is a good news, for his company, for him as project leader, and for us too. We can meet up, in person.

(Just now I cried in sadness. Now, I laugh in happiness.)

“Your prayers have been heard. I’d be seeing my baby soon. I’m so happy ever since you came into my life.” “I can’t wait to meet you.”

I chuckle. “Our prayers, not only mine.” “We can finally meet, Gee.” “I’m still shock by this news. What a surprise it is.” (My heart is beating fast with excitement.)

“Yeah, it’s late now, you’d better go back to sleep. I’d send you messages; you can read them when you awake in the morning, okay?” Gee suggests.

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“Okay, good night from Singapore.” “I love you.” I whisper softly those three words to Gee.

(My heart overtakes my rational mind this time. I really love this man. I can’t lie to myself anymore. I finally realize how much I care about him; how much I think about him. Today, everything surfaced when I entered total panic when he’s not contacting.)

“I love you more, baby.” Gee claims.

“Gee, I need to tell you something.” (Since I admitted my love for him and ready to commit to our relationship, I think I have to be frank to him on certain thing.)

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t promise you to have a dog as a pet when we live together. I’m scared of dogs…” I declare my weakness to him.

“What? Are you serious? You are afraid of dogs?” Gee ask with a rather surprise tone.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, Gee. We can’t have dog. If needed, I can accompany you to pet shop and you can go pet them while I wait for you outside.” I apologize but can’t stop chuckling.

“Oh, no…” he chuckles. “We talk about this later, go to sleep.”

“Okay, good night.” “Muakk…” Sound effect of a flying kiss.

“Muakk muakk muakk, good night, baby.” Gee returns me with a few more.

“Bye bye.”

“Bye bye. Good night.” He sends his good night wishes.

I go back to sleep, but this time, in super happy mode.

(What a long day…)

Doze off…

The next morning, I saw a few messages from Gee.

One lengthy message that was all about how he felt towards me, how happy he felts; his love towards me; and hoping me could join him in building a family. And above all, he sent his love vows to me.

(I was so touch by his messages. Is he a poem writer? Is he a Willem Shakespeare’s fan?)

“Baby, could you let me have you home address? I want to be able to locate you if I ever lost your phone number again. I was so worried when I couldn’t reach you. And you block me when I called from my new phone number.”

I went back to dating apps and saw that Gee really did send me some messages last night. “My phone never rings and I didn’t block you at all.” I replied him a message, in that dating app.

(Postal code… Unit number…) Busy typing my full address, in the message text that I’m going to send Gee. I sent him my email address and home address in Singapore to his new phone number, without second thought.

After I clicked send, then only I came to realize that actually what is the point of Gee remember my home address, telephone number is more efficient to reach me. In Singapore, many expats move from one place to another, quite often. So, I re-emphasized this to Gee when he called me later on “Just memorize my phone number, will do.”

“Okay, I’d do that.” He says.

“I didn’t block you though.” I ask him again on this topic since I haven’t heard him reply on this one.

“Oh, that was my mistake. I sent messages to the wrong number and that person blocked me. So I went back to dating app to check, it was my mistake, I entered a wrong phone number.” He chuckles on his mistake.

“Oh, I see.”

“Let me email you something.” Gee says.


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Gee emailed me an attachment, i. e. an awarded certificate for the said Singapore project. Along with it, he wrote in his email:

“Hey Cool Breeze, thanks for always putting me in your prayers. Our prayers have been heard. I appreciate you, baby. The company has finally agreed with providing insurance for my local engineers that I’d be using… You brought a lot to me, my sunshine. And I look forward to meeting you soon, my love… I will do my best to be good for us, ok… You’re just a blessing, and it’s been happiness upon happiness since you came into my life… Love you, my sunshine…”

(Frankly, I am touched by his word. Why? No man ever writes or tells me this.)

I reply to his email, wishing him and his team on getting such a meaningful award. A very first step for their company to penetrate into ASIA market. And I wish to be by Gee’s side for as long as possible.

This was the day where the pre-tuned bearings start turning, and things start to change, without me knowing… The naïve me, still on cloud nine. Not knowing anything…

Chapter 11.5 - When I Arrived...

“Babe, I have never had this feeling before, and never imagined that I would ever experience this. I am truly overwhelmed and has been at such a stage ever since.”

“Even though many uncertainties lie ahead of us and honestly, I feel so anxious at the thought of myself coming to the Singapore soon, but the idea of my baby standing together with me, seeing me through the adjustments and helping me to overcome the challenges awaiting me in the new environment, having my baby with me every day (at least the first few months? Will you?) already warms my heart and gives me courage to face whatever lies ahead.”

“I am willing to have a beautiful future with my dear Mint and I hope she wants same too… I love you.” Gee writes all this in a long message.

(Wow!! I am speechless. This is the very first time for me to receive such long love messages, via WhatsApp. My heart melts by Gee’s love vows. Oh my GOD! My heart beats fast! Calm down, calm down… Gee’s anxious emotion is spreading over to me as well, through his words.)

Smiling and happy vibe emits from me, all day long, at work, at home, and even on my way walking to MRT station.

“A rational professional woman is swayed away by the wave of romantic words… Is this what people called “Love Is Blind”?

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I can't stop blushing... Hehe~

Chapter 11.6 - Oops... I Did It (Again)

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