Do You Like Curry Chicken? (Ch9.4 to 10.1)

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Chapter 9.4 - A 'Disaster'


A replying message quoting on that weird request message of mine, catches my attention, above all things, right after I woke up and opened my eyes, the very next day. A selfie photo of a man is attached to it as well.

“This is what you asked for, Mint… I’m really not happy with you, for doubting me… I just got home and eating now. I did this for you Mint.” “A relationship starting with doubt will lead us nowhere… so that is.” Giuliano wrote in his messages. A message that has zero-cheerful vibe from the usual him.

(Oh, no… I’ve offended him… Hmm… It really depends on how a person read my request message. Either, one might just choose to ignore my weird request and say ’No’; or one might do as I said but felt hurt for not believing in them. So, Giuliano is the latter.)

(I know it is kind of rude to ask for this but I really do need some confirmation here to at least pass my own assessment on this online friend. I do feel bad about it though… The rational mind in me would still do so to avoid anything worst that might happen after this.)

(But in reality, my happy mood overtakes the guilt. I feel so happy to see Giuliano’s selfie as it allows me to verify that the man in that selfie photo – who has his mouth wide open while holding onto a sandwich – really matches to the man on those ‘nicely-focused-taken’ photos that Giuliano has shared with me so far!) 

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“Hehe…” I chuckle a little.

(A huge relief in me when Giuliano really did as I requested. And at the same time, I feel so touch and happy that he really took my request seriously. Most men won’t do it, I believe. Even for myself, I might not do it if I’m not in the mood or if the person who sent me this request is not someone I cared much about. I thank you so much, Giuliano!)

The man in that selfie photo was sitting in front of a working desk in a room, with dim light. There’s a table lamp, a desk phone. So much like the layout one can see from a hotel room’s layout. Some cables laying around on the table, and a takeaway sandwich that is still in its wrapping papers… I look thoroughly for all details in that photo, with 120% attention.

Hmm… He looks thinner than his look in those previous photos of him. Maybe those were not his recently taken photos. Recalling that Giuliano once mentioned that he didn’t eat much when the seeing the food. That could be the reason.)

When I take a second look on that selfie photo, a few more doubts appeared in my mind. Well, it is uncontrollable; they pop-up just like that! 

(This selfie photo is taken from a higher-up angle, about two steps away from where he sat. His both hands are holding onto the sandwich. Obviously, it was not taken using a selfie-stick. Could it be a tripod was used in capturing this photo of him or did someone else helped taking this photo for him?)

The analytical gene in me keeps running wild. 

(He did mention that he lives alone. If there is someone that helps taking this photo, then there’s still some percentage that the Giuliano that I’m message back and forth, might not be the man in the photo… Am I really thinking too much here?)[3]

(Anyway, leave that aside for now. What I need to do now is to apologize to Giuliano. That’s the very least manner a person should have and do.)

[3] Question: Are those doubts that came across my mind when I looked at his selfie-photo bring some clues, in later days?


Chapter 9.5 - Break The Ice

I start typing…

“Welcome back from your work. Highly appreciated for the photo. Thank you, Giuliano.” “Please don’t get angry. I have my reason for asking that. Share with you soon after I take my shower.” I click ‘send’ and go for my shower.

“Ok, go have your shower, ok?” Giuliano replies within a second after I sent out my messages. (Does he still angry and being on standby mode waiting for my apology message?)

(Let’s see… How about this one?) 

After my shower, I attach and send him a photo of myself. “This is my most recent photo taken during Chinese New Year.” I put this as caption to my photo.

“Don’t be angry.” I ask for forgiveness.

“You are looking beautiful, Mint. It’s understandable to be afraid or insecure because a lot of things are happening… Please feel free to ask me what you want to know about me, okay.” he replies, fast.

(Isn’t he rational and understanding? Good.)

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I start my explanation to him.

“The photo I put on that dating app was the taken right after I finished my walk in the garden. Sweat like mad and in terrible look. I purposely put that photo on, but why so many people like that photo of mine? I’m confused. Is it true that man and woman’s view are in 180⁰ degree different?”

“Those photos that you’ve shared with me, they were so professionally taken with nice shots. I was afraid that someone might have used this handsome’s photos and tried to sweet-talk me.”

“As I told you, I work in accounts, the checking or verifying mode is built in my blood or gen, I guess.” “Please forgive my rudeness.”

“And now I’m going to share with you the story where my Taiwanese girlfriend has faced, two years ago…”

This is when I share the real-life story of Sue with Giuliano. Trying to explain about the ‘phishing act’ that I wrote him back then and hoping that he would understand why I did that verification check onto him.

“This is why I asked something from you rudely, and eventually, made you feel bad. My apology.” I apologize, once again.

“Oh, Mint, I’m so sorry your friend had to encounter such, I have heard a lot of happenings on internet and I don’t blame you for trying to protect yourself; everyone including me, when facing with such, will do same too…” Giuliano’s replies show his sympathy to Sue’s experience.

“Though I was not happy you doubted my personality. I only sent that cute photo with a handsome look to seduce you, as it’s not a recent photo but meant to say do you like this Giuliano?” He adds further.

“How is your work going this morning? Have you had breakfast?” He asks.

(Aww… How sweet… Seems like Giuliano forgives me now?)

(To me, by looking at his reply on Sue’s experience on that love spam can somehow proof that he is not the type of person into that kind of love spam. Certain level of relief lifted from my head.)

(From this moment on, I start to share more about me with him. I am willing to, vulnerably. He has unlocked the chatty me as well.)

“You have earned some extra points there for sharing those good looking photos of yours. Charming smiles, indeed.” “I just had my light breakfast, i.e. red bean paste-bun with coffee.” I say.

I wrote him about the breakfast selection that I would usually take; and in the same time, ask about his preference.

More and more conversation topics, we cover. We share about the movies that we watched before but still vividly imprint in our mind; our height in centimeter; and I also shared with him a joke on my height measurement every time I go for my medical check-ups. (I usually share jokes with my friends or close ones. I enjoy laughter.)

All these topics were broken down into eight long messages. We read and reply each other patiently, in happy mode (At least, to me, I am happy.)

Giuliano’s style in replying messages would be, he would read all my messages, and then reply to my messages all in ONE long message. (You can imagine how long that ONE message from him would be. But if there are some of message that he has yet to attend to, he would reply them the next morning when he has time to do so. That’s what I like about him.) (My ex-boyfriend was not very into messaging… He didn’t even bother to type, just ignore them instead.)

Back and forth, on and off, we messaging each other, for about two hours. Until I come to realize that it is almost 1 a.m. his time zone. My goodness!

“I’m heading out for lunch now. Isn’t it time for you to rest?” I remind him to go to bed instead.

“Yes, I will be going to bed soon. I’m just done with my reports.” He says.

We would continue our talk (i.e. messaging) in 6 to 8 hours later, after his sleeping time.

Calling it a day for my work, I go straight for an appointment. Getting myself a nice hair cut, it’s been quite sometimes since the lockdown period where certain retail shops are not allowed to operate. Stepping out from the MRT, I go to my usual hair salon and get my hair cut short, plus a little hair-straightening work. (That’s the only way to tame my curly hair, haha…)

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Two hours passed, finally done. I’m happy with the results. Cheerful mood surrounds me this whole evening. To be happy, is simple, sometimes.

“Good morning from NY, babe; and how did your day go today?” Giuliano’s morning greetings arrived, just in the right time.

“Good morning, handsome! I’m still at outside. Yet to go home. I’m feeling good tonight, so good.” I type my message, with a smile on my face. Why should I hide my happy mood? No way.

“What’s up? Why feeling good tonight? Mind sharing with me?” He asks.

“Take a guess?” “I feel good~” added with smiley face icon. I tease him.

“You won a trip around the world? Haha…” He writes.

“Laugh out loud.” “Nope, I’m simple. Happy after a good hair-do.” I laugh! (He is so funny.) “If I won a trip around the world, I’d surely stop by New York.” I reply.

“Hahaha… and you are always welcomed here in NY.” Giuliano is enlightened, seems like he is in happy mode just like I do. “Can you share the new hair with me?”

“Short and light~” attached with a selfie photo of mine with the new hair that was styled by the magic hands of the professional hair stylist. “I feel good~ lalala…” That’s what I sent him.

When I reached home, it’s kind of late. I took my shower and went to bed. I didn’t continue the ‘chat’ with him much.

“You are very beautiful babe. Your pretty smile is charming; you smile for me often.” “The hair style looks so sweet on you and it’s a pleasure I have such a beauty in my list.” “Were you having different hair style before, babe?” Giuliano sent me these messages during his lunch time. I was in my dream land during that time.

“Guess you are in lala-land now. Are you sure you will see my face there?” he continues. (His messages are so cute sometimes, haha…)

Chapter 10 - Love Element Kicks-in In Our Chatting Topics

Chapter 10.1 - The 'Tigress' Is Here

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“I usually have this same hair style. Just that I have some curly-hair gene in me, so once a while, I’d go straighten it a little. Just like what I did last evening.”

“Wait a minute, ‘List’…



“Your list of Babes?”

“Alert! Alert!! Mint is entering tigress-mode! Stay Clear! Beware of what you say!

Suggested solution: Quickly get her a cup of water to drink and / or give her a bear hug to calm her down.” My sense of humor kicks in and I write him all those dramatic messages, to tease him a little.

“Hahaha… Good to have a baby like you with a good sense of humor; I’m enjoying this ride so far.” “Hey, baby, I just got home and resting. What are you doing now?”

“Alert… Mint the tigress is here.” Giuliano joins in my jokes.

“Grrr…” I add a tiger icon.

“Hahaha… are you the jealous type? I only have you and my colleagues here in my list. I only have a few in my circle. You and my colleagues are the only in my list, so don’t think too much about that ok. Hahaha…” Giuliano tries to explain to the misunderstanding that I have on the word ‘list’.

“As a start, tell me more about yourself.” “Go take your rest and have your proper dinner. And then go check from internet, key in your birth date and tell me which Chinese zodiac you belong to.” “Sincere and no lies are the basic for us.” “So, try not to judge my reaction or thinking on my behalf, as my response could be different from others.” “I would like to know you (the good and bad of you, as a whole), only if you’d let me to.” I state clearly on what I would expect from a friendship, from him. (As I would the same to him too, a sincere friend.)

“I had noodles for dinner. From Zodiac sign… It says I’m a dog…” A smiley face with rolling eyes’ icon was added by Giuliano to his reply, which he sent during his late evening.

(Hmm… Interesting. A ‘doggy-zodiac’ person usually is a loyal type, hate betrayal and dare to take up challenges at work or life. I ask for this information is just for general reference only. Even though many people fall into the same zodiac or horoscope, each person still carries their own unique character. I’d prefer to know more about Giuliano through himself and my observation on him.)

“I really don’t know how to start but I will say I’m courageous, caring and reliable. I’m the kind of person who wants to see the humor in everything and I enjoy the moment you have been creating since we met. Laughter is food for the soul. I love nature and animals. I’m hard working a bit and I take care of myself. I am a gentle man in nature though very quiet, as well as outdoor.”

“My experience has led me to God and closer to the value of love. I hate disappointment. I should be able to trust you and you trust me, even if we are not together at the moment.”

“I’m looking for a true intimate and meaningful relationship if you’re ready to trust and commit to the relationship, with love, passion, respect and romance. I’m a romantic guy, cozy, nice and passionate.” “Sorry for a late reply as I am having a busy week. I promise it won’t be like this in the future.” He ended his messages with an apology.

(Wow! Such a long self-introduction messages from Giuliano.) Today is our Day-4 since we started messaging each other. Our steady flow of conversations felt so good and led us to explore further.

(Frankly, I’m touched with his respond. He really attended to my requests and answering one by one. It is my pleasure to having him wrote me such long messages. One’s patience and willingness to share are the basis needed, for doing that.)

“Thank you, Giuliano…” I whisper softly to him. Looking at his photo, that I have just clicked on to enlarge it.

Chapter 10.2 - I Can't Handle Surprises Well

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