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what you have
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kind act
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love & care

Daily Discovery~

It works
It works2

This is one of those clingy plants that grow beautiful purple flowers.

But it’s been months, that branch stop growing (which the Red arrow is pointing). No leaves, no progress at all.

When it was just planted by the landscaper worker, I once ‘help’ its soft branches to cling onto the plastic string (that aims to let it cling onto). And now it grows thick branch and strong (see the main branch in the photos).

So, I feel like give it a try – if the soft branch is ‘leaning’ closer to something, it might grow? So, Doer like me, immediately search on the nearby floor if there’s any rather clean ‘rubbish’ that I could use to tie it. I didn’t bring any string with me. Oh, yes!! a plastic straw!

I tied the straw just so it would bring the soft branch closer to the main branch. 

Two weeks later, I notice some difference when I pass by this pedestrian walkway. 

Wow! it really grows!! So many new leaves and even two more new soft branches (those with green ticks are newly grown parts). Yeah!! I feel so happy for it. At least, it was not a ‘dead’ branch that can’t no longer grow. Keep growing!

I love the flowers you bring to this neighbourhood! 😀

Purple flower
Purple flower2

Look at them… Such breath-taking purple flowers.

Clingy as in its nature, hanging freely like ripe grapes.

A beauty in the dull concrete jungle. 

Thank you for enlighten my days. 😀