That Masterpiece In Library


Before you read the poem, what do you see from this photo?






Ready to read the poem? Here you go.

I saw a wild owl,

Spreading its wide wings,

Carrying a bundle of fruits in both its claws,

Towards me,

How mystical.


I saw a wise owl,

Wearing academic robe wide-spreading,

Awarding a graduation ribbon in both his hands,

Towards me,

How honourable.


I saw a thick book,

Opening at a chapter for next reading,

Delivering wisdom knowledge to those that lay their glance,

To you and me,

Treasure chest that’s attainable. 

This photo was taken from :

The State Library of Victoria, Australia.

I was amazed by its interior design. Such detailed architectural work.

I spent hours there.

Enjoying the beautiful artworks on this building; the elegant yet dignify ambience it emits, and the calming space for readers to dive into the book they have picked up. 

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