Scary Movie, Scaredy Me

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The camera shot focuses on the door knob,

Zoom in and zoom in, that enlarged door knob,

Scare the audience more than hearing the door knocks.

Sunday 2am, some motions and sounds come from the outer side of my door knob,

With my heart pounding fast, to the door, I unlock,

Thank God, it’s the drunken uncle who lives next door,

With his key on his right hand, he dozes off on my front door.

The flickering lights, on and off, on and off,

Scream at the top of your lungs when someone appears the moment the light is on.

Saturday 1am, weird scrapping sounds come from the room next door, but to party he headed off,

With a bat in my hand, I put my ear to his door, try to hear what’s going on,

Scratch, scratch sounds and some ‘meowing’ moans,

My goodness, it’s the cat of my housemate that he left home alone.

Mirror in the bathroom is the favourite movie takes,

First look, second look, everything looks the same,

Third look, creepy object appears at the corner of the mirror frame,

Screaming out loud and almost faint.

Friday 3am, on my bedroom door the ‘knock knock’ sounds came,

I ignore; but the ‘knock knock’ sounds keep coming again and again;

I piss off; walk up and get ready to complain,

No one, no cat, yeah right, I am the only one left at home today,

Oh my God! Shut the door, jump back onto my bed, under the bed sheet I hide away,

This time for real? Trembling me, say my pray,

“I don’t bother you; you don’t bother me, okay?”

“Dear God, protect me please, I’d be good from now on, I promise, I swear!”

Time passed, I fell asleep with scary feelings and begging to be spared.

This day on, scary movies, I keep at bay;

Scaredy-cat, I admit; go ahead and laugh, I don’t care.

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