Cappuccino, Please

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Let’s see, what drink should I get this time.

Browse through the drink menu,

Row by row, item by item,

Still, my eyes land on it,



I start to think,

If anyone ever asks me why I like it so much,

What would I say then?

Hmm… It comes with a larger cup?

Indeed, it is.

If we compare it with all the other coffee, hot coffee series, I mean.

Why do I like Cappuccino?

Never once had I given it a thought.

It often being served in a large cup.

I said that just now, I know.

So, more coffee for me to enjoy.

Unlike that double espresso that comes in that delicate tiny cup.

Two sips, finished.


Then, what? Should I order my second drink?

Or just sitting there watching my friends enjoying their drink,

Until we are done with our Hi-Tea session?


No way! We have a lot to catch-up on.

Chat a bit, thirsty; take a sip.

Continue chatting.

When topic gets too excited,

Need half-time break in between,

To catch our breath,

Lift up my Cappuccino, drink it.

What else? It comes with a cookie!

Sometimes, caramel cookie,

While other times, chocolate or butter cookie.

No one else have it,

But me, who ordered the Cappuccino,

As if I’m the birthday girl that gets the special treats from the merchant. Hehehe~

What type of special treats will I get?

It’s pretty much depending on the budget and the creativity of the menu creator.

Next, the spoon.

Yes, you heard me right.

The tea spoon, that matches the Cappuccino cup.

It sometimes gets replaced by cinnamon stick,

I get excited when others are using tea spoon, while I stir my coffee with cinnamon stick.

Like playing house when I was a child.

Stir, stir, put it aside.

Taste and see, if there’s any cinnamon flavour in it.


It has special toppings.

A layer of flavourful chocolate powder,

Or a few stripes of melted chocolate,

Sometimes, I get a cute 3D design on the milk foams,

Wow, what a coffee art the barista has prepared for my Cappuccino.

Under their magic hands, a flower art appears on it, in that few seconds.

So beautiful, to the point that I feel wasted to spoil it.

But still, I need to stir and drink my Cappuccino.

So, the nice design was destroyed by no others, but me.

Coffee, is for me to drink.

All others, are bi-products.

All in all, I guess it all boils down to the fact that I am a sweet tooth,

I still can’t appreciate the bitterness in coffee that many people love.

I love milk as well,

Be it the well-mixed Cappuccino or the ice coffee latte.

Looking at the white colour to slowly flowing down to the dark coffee,

Bringing out a new colour to the liquid,

Light brown.

As if the art class where I played with the water-colour mix.

Adding white into red, pink is in the house.

Adding white into dark blue, ocean blue is here.

So magical.

It’ is very soothing and calming sensation I get by just watching the colour change,


Are you ready for your order?

Cappuccino, please.

Let’s see what surprises l would get today.

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I went and stirred the cocoa power into flower shape (or should it be a sun?) before ‘destroying’ the art and drink it. 

And, recently, ‘green tea latte’ is where my eyes would ‘land on’ too.

Look at it, so thick and bubbly~ Yummy 🙂

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