Mega Sales, Every Day

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Sales, sales, mega sales everywhere,

Promotion always falls exactly on your pay day,

Not realizing that marketing tricks but add to cart they can’t wait to click and pay,

Items in need or not, no body actually care.


Work, work, nine-to-five every day,

Overtime causes you seeing only the moon on your way,

“Overloaded with work” to the boss you say,

“Just do it; if you still want your pay”,

Employees like you and me, have no say.


Would anyone take a step back and think?

Why you simply spend on non-value-added things?

Better get a simple job with less responsibility,

Easy job that one can go home on time, at 5:30;

End up having same bank balance as the one works 24/7 but spends recklessly.

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Wants vs. Needs?

Tiring work vs. Easy job?

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