Without Me Knowing, I’ve Just Done It All!

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1  Beginner Starts From Basic

There was a total brand-new vocabulary came my way. I even had to checked on its definition from the dictionary online.

Manifestation” Noun: An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical. [1]

[1] Definition directly picked from Oxford Dictionaries online

Manifesting” Verb: Whatever you focus on is what you are bringing into your reality. You may focus and manifest through meditation, visualization, or just via your conscious or subconscious. [2]

[2] Reference from 5 Ways To Understand Manifesting Meaning And How To Do It (caviarfeeling.com)

As a beginner, I started to drill into the in-depth meaning of manifestation and the most simple yet right technique to manifest. Like anyone else, I didn’t want to do it the wrong way. ‘Do things right at first attempt’ was a high demand I set for myself, even though deep down I know I shouldn’t keep putting too much stress onto myself to being PERFECT.

The summarized messages I gotten from the guide books and tutorials, ‘manifestation’ – I can treat it as a daily exercise that pretty much I can do it at my own pace and anytime I feel like to do it. Well, now, I have read about how to do it from tutorials and explanation from gurus and videos from internet, but in the end, I still need to try it and figure out the gist of it. It was all from WITHIN; no one can walk you through this exercise.

Just like trying on a pair of new shoes, I would be the only person who can tell if I feel good and comfortable wearing them. No one can feel it on my behalf. It all boils down to your mental and body senses’ work. To me, this ‘you have to try it out on your own’ was quite challenging yet interesting too.

(What I want? A happy life, above all. Try to think about happy things; or things that would make me feel happy; or even the happy life that I wish to have in future. Let me rephrase it. It should be ‘the happy life that I wish to have in near future’. Yes, this sounds better, isn’t it?) I was busy talking inside my monkey mind; coordinating and simplified as much as possible.

2  To Think Of Something, Intentionally?

Easier said than done’.

This quote really well-described my current situation. Out of nowhere, the need to ‘force’ myself to think of happy things, I can only think of one or two things though. I have been living a low-key life style for many years; trying my best to adapt to the situation and use whatever resources available to get the things or jobs done. I believe that try other options is better than just complaining. I look for efficiency. So, now, with such sudden ‘request’ to think of a long list of happy things that I WANT to do or to have; frankly, it was challenging and caught me off-guard a little.

But still, I needed to think of something, at least one thing that could make me feel happy. If not, how else for me to start my manifestation work?

(Hmm… Maybe this one? Or maybe that?) I giggled when envisaging some happy yet funny scenes of future life I wish to have.

(Hmm… Can’t really think of anything further, at this moment. Let’s continue on this tomorrow. No point rushing. Bottleneck means bottleneck. It would be better to work on something else; maybe an idea or two would just pop out along the way.)

I went to bed, next.

3  Window Shopping, Here I Come!

Saturday morning, I already had a plan to get myself a little walking exercise. It could be a sweaty morning walk at the park or simply loitering around at shopping mall. As long as I had my walking exercise done, all good then.

The place that I chose would usually be somewhere that I could do both walking exercise and catch my breakfast along the way.

(Hmm… Let’s go IKxA then.) It’s been a while since I last visit to IKxA, i. e. one of the world-famous large-scale furniture franchise companies. Previously, I used to work near that area; I would go there for lunch with my colleagues, at least once a week. Now, with me working at a new company at another town, I seldom go to that area.

(What to eat? Maybe they might have some new items on their menu this time around.) Foodie like me would always think of what to eat first. (Ha-ha… Take things easy. It’s weekend. Let’s relax as much as possible.)

No need to stress about:

“What time should we meet?”

“Why the bus takes so long?”

“What time should we eat?”

“Eat first or window shopping first?”

“What to do after this?”

Today’s day out plan was a decision made instinctively, went by the mood. I didn’t invite any friend to join me. For one, timing wise, it might not be so convenience for my friend; two, I don’t like to wait. So, I decided to just go on my own then.

Grabbed on my bag and keys; IKxA, here I come!

4  Brilliant Layout

If anyone has ever visited IKxA before, he or she would have known that they laid out the floor route in such a way that it would ‘lead’ their customers to walk through each section they have for that floor; covering all sections, from A to Z. This IKxA that I visited has two floors. For customer that was in a hurry and wanted to heading to make payment at the cashier counter, they could still take the shortcut route. No need to walk through the whole floor route.

(What a brilliant yet thoughtful ideas from their sales team, isn’t it?)

They separated the whole floor by section them into different part of a house or an office, i.e. living room, dining area, study room, bedroom, children’s bedroom, kitchen area, bathroom, store room, and even balcony.

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5  Steal Some Good Ideas

What interest me the most when shopping at IKxA was their practical yet creatively designed furniture and home appliances. The creative way their designers assembled all parts and put all of them (e.g. furniture, electrical, decoration, even toys) into the same space, bring out the harmony vibe; as if those items should have been put in such a way, all along. (So colourful yet not awkward at all!)

IKxA Singapore really gave a well thought on the local needs. They came up with the house designs that could fully occupied the small space (e. g. 60 to 90 square meters) most of the flatted-houses in Singapore have. Due to land limitation, most residential houses are high-rise flats, apartments or condominiums. Of course, there are big houses in the market as well, subject to one’s budget. But local says, most of the landed-houses are owned by the upper rank or wealthier residents. (Well, literally, that saying makes sense. Landed house has wider floor area.)

The dull and small space has turned into such a cozy house by the creative designers’ magic hands and think-out-of-the-box ideas. (Awe… I just love it.)

What’s more? They change their design theme, from time to time. That would be another way to attract returned customers. (Who would go to places where the display would always stay the same? I would like to see a different layout and decoration ideas the next time I visit them.)

I was not so good in mix-and-match between colours and items; so I would look at their decoration, their colour-matching ideas and how well each item can dwell in nicely. (Yupe, I picked up and kept those great ideas in mind. Who knows, maybe next time I can use them.)

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6  Look At This… Look At That…

Living room section was the first section I stepped in. Various designs were on display.

On my left, it’s a rather ‘cramped’ living room. That the first impression I had. It was ‘cramped’ by various furniture and racks, big and small, but surprisingly, it could still able to emit the cozy vibes. That ‘home sweet home’ kind of feelings.

(Look at those photo frames in different sizes that hanging in random order on the wall.) I paused for a moment looking at them.

I have a weird behaviour. I need the items to be placed or put in proper orders. (If doable, aligned in 90 degrees straight up please, that would be the best! Crazy demands, I know. Ha-ha.)

So those photo frames in that cramped living room, some were hung higher; some were lower; one or two were more towards the left, and so on… Actually, they had, literally, triggered my ‘90 degree-aligned’ button. Strange thing was, they became a ‘harmony’ cluster in that way of display. I don’t feel awkward by it but rather stunt that its ‘messiness’ which could still be within my acceptable level. (Good!) I picked up new layout ideas from these photo frames’ layout, and I gotten to know myself a bit more.  (Even if the messy layout that was not 90 degrees-aligned, as long as they could bring out the harmony vibe, I could still okay with that. Ha-ha… weirdo!) I chuckled a little.

Took a step back, my focus was still on those photos. Imagined, those photos were all of the smiling faces and happy moments the family had… 

Even though at that moment, I still don’t know how my future family members look like.

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7  Retain That ‘Qi’

(I want to have a living room that everyone in the family would agree across the board that it was the best spot or place to hang around together. I would prefer to reduce the numbers of unnecessary furniture, in order to make more space for living room. Not only because I try to practice minimalist, but I also believe in the ‘Qi’.)

Qi’ was a term in Feng Shui study (also known as  Chinese Geomancy).The space where we stay or live in should be presented in such a way that it is able to let or welcome the natural energy from universe, also known as ‘Qi’ to flow into the house. And it would be even better, if we can capture or retain that ‘Qi’ inside of our house; another saying was that ‘Qi’ would probably boost household’s prosperity to another level. (Ha-ha… Well, up to you, to believe it or not.)

Feng Shui’ is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term ‘Feng Shui’ literally translated as ‘wind’ and ‘water’ in English. [3]

[3] Extracted from Wikipedia on the definition of Feng Shui: Feng shui – Wikipedia

Next, living room item. (To have a big piece of carpet that covers the floor of living room or place a comfortable couch in the living room? Guess, I would sit on the carpet more than on the couch. Children can play and even rolling on the carpet. We would spend a refreshing morning, a cozy afternoon, and evening there.) Imagination continued to running wild.

Such beautiful days, I want to be part of it too.

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8  High-tech House

The display room, on my right, was another living room designed with elegant style. The black, grey, white colour shades, completed with some silver chrome decorating items in between; really brought out the high-tech smart-home vibes. (Clean-cut and professional looks.)

I have a friend who is very into high tech gadgets and smart home appliances. I-robot, I-devices and automated-water boiler, automated-kitchen appliances, name it. Every new invention in the market, he will surely get one for his house.

(I could imagine… When he arrives home, the lights of his house will auto-switched on and auto-dim based on brightness level of the day; air conditioner will auto-tuned to the temperature based on his body temperature; robotic-programmed kitchen equipment will prepare him a glass of fruit juice; all house appliances just responding to his verbal command… I think sooner or later, his house is going to be into that mode.)

Next, I am worried if one day he invites me to his house, will I get a free body scan by his high-tech gadget before I entering his house, or suddenly a bunch of laser lights aiming at my heart with a robotic voice saying ‘Danger! Intruder Spotted! Launch attack in three seconds.’

(That would scare me to death… Ha-ha…)

If that happens, guess, I would suggest to him, “Let’s meet at the coffee stall by the roadside, next time…” (Ha-ha…)

To me, those stylish-designed furniture looks cool but inevitably it could really emit ‘coldness’ vibes, sometimes. (I have seen and felt enough of the ‘coldness’ emitted by those elegant designs and furniture in an office, shopping malls, and so on. Now I just want to bring out the heart-warmth and relaxing ambience when it comes to home. Whenever I reached home from a tiring working day, I would like to relax as much as possible. I don’t want any further stress. Just let me be myself at home. No one should still wear a mask even when they are at home.)

(Life is short. Love yourself a bit more, wouldn’t you?)

9  Children’s All-Time Favourite

My eyes were screening through one of the children’s rooms, the basketball-themed bed sheet with basketball court-printed floor mat; a  sportsman’s poster on the wall; what a great design for a boy, or maybe a sporty girl? (Yeah, why not? It could definitely be.)

The next sample children’s room was all about cars. Racing track-printed carpet, writing desk with a wooden rack full with nicely arranged with mini car models and toys collection.

Many people would be amazed by it; at least, I was! How the designers made good use of the small space into a compact yet not ‘suffocating’ children’s bedroom cum study room; decorated it with bright colours and completed with toys. (Children surely love toys, don’t they?)

“Can we buy this house?” The little boy who excitedly sat on the chair, touching those tiny car collection, asked his mother. Her mother smiled and said to him “Next time when you grow up a little, maybe?”

(See? Told you. Children surely like these designs.)

That pink-themed design was on the next display. The designers combined different shades of pink colour into the room. Everything was presented well. The ‘starry night’ designs on the wall, flower-designed mini couch (for kids), completed with a Barbie doll and some cute animal plush toys.

(Wow… How lucky the child could be, to have their parents or guardians providing them with such a beautiful room and comfortable life style for him or her.)

(I don’t have that kind of luxury childhood experience. If doable, I would like to prepare something like this for my child as well, if I was blessed to have any. I envisage the naughty ones saying out loud what they are currently thinking in their mind when playing with their toys.)

(I believe their happy mode, their excitement and cheerful laughter, could easily spread through and warm up everyone in the house, every corner of the house…)

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10  Bath Tub?

Slowly, I strolled to the next section – the Bathroom and Restroom section.

In Singapore and Malaysia, maybe due to space limitation and/or local practice, most of our house design, we don’t have bathroom that was divided into wet and dry area. Well, we can find this in a hotel room where its design separated the shower room by a sliding glaze door, so that the basin area won’t get wet by the water splash. In most residential houses, both the bathroom and restroom will always be in wet floor condition as they were sharing the same space; unless one took a step further to renovate it differently.

(I remembered those Japanese drama series that I once watched; their bathroom design was having the changing area separated from the shower area. Quite practical, isn’t it? At least, I don’t have to worry about the clumsy me that often accidentally dropped the clothes onto the wet floor… I hate that so much whenever that happens.) Can’t help but rolling my eyes.

(If my house is spacious enough, I wish to have a bath tub in the bathroom.) Once a while, having the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing hot bath tub spa, it is pretty much similar to having a natural hot spring spa in Japan and Taiwan. (What an enjoyment would that be after a tiring day!)

Sit in the hot bath tub spa for twenty minutes, could actually help blood circulation and muscle relaxation; which is why most Japanese’s bathroom often completed with a deep-tank designed bath tub. Everyone in the family will take turns to use the hot bath. It is a way to keep one’s mind and body healthy. They even have a wooden cover to keep the hot bath water’s temperature for next person’s use. No need to waste water and heater energy. (How thoughtful and health-conscious they are.)

I know many locals might still think that using bath tub is just wasting water, a full bath tub of water. (But once a while, is acceptable, right? For body health’s sake, is acceptable, right? I wish to have one – Bath tub!)

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Hmm...? Where is my duckling?

11  Be The White Mice?

My interest in cooking was ignited when I finally had to pick up the spatula and cook something for myself, almost every day; back in the days I stayed at Melbourne. Home cook food seems to be the norm for most of the people’s living style in Australia. Many people here will cook their own meals. So, I tried to adapt into such culture. With home cook food, one can save some money from having to dine out all the times. Why? (Well, dine out could easily consumes a huge portion of one’s pay check. Unlike in my home country, we can just grab any cooked food at economic and affordable cost. Never become a problem to dine out, three meals a day. But here in Melbourne, a plate of fried rice could easily cost you AUD 8!)

So, I started to cook something for myself, following the steps exactly from the cook book, step 1 to 10, all by myself. For the very first time I cooked, I burnt the wooden stir fry spatula.

“Ha-ha!!” I took the photo of it and showed it to my mum who was still living in my home country back then. She laughed out so loud. My mum has been the one taking care of our meals thus far. I was one of the pampered-family members; that was why I only started to cook for myself, NOW.

Ever since I obtained those cooking experiences from those days when I lived abroad, I was amazed by the power of cooking, until today. With those basic types of spices, sauces, we could create a new flavor to the dishes we cooked. If we add them in at a different portion, with a different combination and even at different orders, another new taste would be created. (How amazing!) I like cooking; or to be précised, I enjoy the ‘experiment’ process in it. (When I have my own family in the future, I would like to cook something good for them to eat. But… they have to be my guinea pig in trying out my ‘experimented’ food? Ha-ha… Edible food, still. That’s for sure.)

Looked at the ‘you-have-it-all’ well-equipped kitchen display in IKxA, my mind was busy imagining the kitchen scenarios that I would be in; in the future.

(Stove? Oven? Am I going into cake baking? Hmm… Not so much into this hobby; but once a while, maybe still doable. Oh wow, that wok was so heavy! I can’t even lift it up with my arm. Nope, definitely not this type of wok that I would get.)

Most Asian, we don’t need a full-range of knifes in different sizes. A fit-for-all-use knife and a small fruit knife will be enough. “Practicality over Ideology. Stay practical and minimalist…” I murmured softly.

(Oh, I love those colourful plates, bowls and cups designs! So, again, it is still fine if we don’t buy all the cups from the same patterns. A mixture of this and that designs and in various sizes, would also be a great combination.)

The ‘structure-minded’ that I have had been leading me to stick to same or a standard set of goods. (I should be a little open-minded and pick up this type of mix and match style as well. Looks fun though when I could see our guest enjoying their drink with everyone holding onto a cup or glass in different colours and shapes. Who knows maybe they might choose their favourite colour among those rainbow-themed glasses laid in front of them. Ha-ha…)

(This water jug has no handle to it. How inconvenient would that be! Even though it looked elegant by its design, I don’t think I would buy this design…) Whoever that is going to pour water from this water jug would have to pay 120% attention and control the angle well when pouring water from this jug. (What a stressful water jug it could be. I would go for the one that has a handle to it.)

(Look at that! What a beautifully dining table set up!) 

From the table cloth, the dining table and chairs, the flower vase, the cozy-vibes lighting set for dining area… (Oh wow…)

(Now, imagine, those empty chairs are now filled with our loved ones, family members and friends. Everyone enjoys the yummy food served; chatting cheerfully to one another; laughter…)

(Can I join?)

12  Time For Some Real Food

Alright, it’s time to grab some food. I am hungry now after paid attention to every decoration and items, big and small, at those display sections.

(Let’s see what they have on their menu, today. Oh, Nasi Lemak!)

IKxA Singapore really localized a little, they have some local food in their menu, such as Nasi Lemak, Fried Chicken Wings, Lotus Glutinous Rice, Friend Spring Rolls. (Good, I am totally cool with it, as long as they taste good.)

Well, chained-store or franchised-store also needs a boost to their business in each country they are operating. So, diversifying their product varieties to suits locals’ flavours. (I don’t see anything wrong about that direction though.) If anyone has the chance to visit Thailand, he or she would find McDonalds having sticky rice burger on their menu; while McDonalds in the US, Vietnam, Thailand and some other countries would have pork burgers. Burger King in Singapore has chili crab-flavoured burger on their menu as locals here are very much into Chili Crabs. (This reminded me that McDonalds in Malaysia once launched their Nasi Lemak Burger as well. I missed out the chance to get a taste of it.) Nasi Lemak is a local dish served with rice cooked with coconut milk, tops with variety side dishes; basic sides are fried anchovies and peanuts, boiled egg, cucumber, homemade chili pastes. Nasi Lemak has been my all-time favourite.

(Alright, I ordered Nasi Lemak. A piece of apple pie and English tea.) Looked at the time now, this would be my ‘brunch’, i. e. combined both Breakfast and Lunch in a meal. 

(Dig in, they look so yummy!)

13  Wait A Minute, Isn’t This…

After finished eating my Nasi Lemak; I then enjoyed my tea and apple pie, in a super slow pace… (Why the rush? How about enjoy every bite and every sip of it?)

(What a tasty food humans have created with their brilliant ideas and made them with those magic hands. I’m blessed.)

I think my endorphin [4] was at its max. I just had some exercise, i. e. that little strolling walk during the window shopping just now. (Yes, I classified that as exercise, ha-ha… Just let me be.)

I enjoyed my meals, felt relax and happy, so far.

Now with my body and mind relaxed, that ‘task’ which I had put behind my mind has now come back and say ‘Hi’ to me. (Oh yeah, I still need to think of what to manifest.)

“What makes me happy…” I muttered.

(Hmm…? Wait a minute; didn’t I just do all of that just now?) 

My window-shopping from one display section to another, those imaginations that I played in my mind, those happy moments that I wished to have and envisaged spending with my future family members…

(Oh, wow…)

I think I grasp the idea of it now. I can see the ‘way’ on how to envisage or visualize the happy things that I would like to have and the harmony life that I wish to be in. (Alright, let me stick to this direction, keep the positive imaginations and happy thoughts, and focus on manifesting them.)

(Cool, let me try it out tonight before bed. Start with sitting down, meditate with breathing skills-focused, and manifest with happy thoughts switched on!)

“Dear Gods, Guides, please guide me and hear my manifestation.” Softly, I whispered…

14  She Was Just Day-Dreaming

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“Look at her. She was just day dreaming on having this and that. Not a realistic person.” – Some might judge and give me such comments, or even laugh at my day-dreaming actions.

(Well, yes, they are literally correct! Those really are my dreams, my wishes, that I played in my mind. I don’t have them now; not yet realize.)

But if based on Manifestation rule which is as powerful as the Law of Attraction, by manifesting what he or she wants, they will eventually come true. There are so many successful cases as quoted in the guide books.

(I would like to give it a try.)

(I would keep on dreaming; keep manifesting the happy future lives that I want. Again, will it happen or not, I have no answer now. Time will proof it. So, what if they really come true? Then I would be surrounded with happiness. Definitely showing my gratitude to the universe for hearing my manifestations and granting me my wishes.)

One of the life principles I hold on to – “No Harm Trying”.

(So now, would you start manifesting yours? It’s your call.

“Best of Luck!”

15  Stop Doing That

“Ring… Ring…” Incoming ringtone echoed from my mobile phone.

“Hello, Patricia.” I answered the phone call after took a peek on the caller ID.

“Hi, Jane. How are you” Patricia’s loud voice came through.

“Me? I’m at IKxA, window shopping.”

“Why didn’t you call me? I was so bored this whole day…” Her boredom fully emitted from her tone.

“I decided it instantly. Didn’t expect you’d wanted to go for such a short notice.” I said.

“There you go again. Can you stop presuming things? Just ask me. Yes or No, I’d let you know right away. Straight ball, okay?” she suggested.

“I’m sorry. Yeah, my bad habit again. Alright, next time I’d just ask you.”

“Are you still going to be there for long?” Patricia asked.

“Nope. I’m done with my brunch. About to head home next.” Looked at the time on my watch, I replied.

“How about come over to my place? I’d make a simple dessert; we can chat and relax.” She suggested.

(Patricia stayed just a few blocks away from mine, and her block is close to the bus stop that I’d be alighting later on.)

“Your place? Hmm… sounds good. I’d drop by then. I need a cozy couch to sit down; enough walking.” I said.

“Ha-ha… I’d reserve the VIP seat for you then.” She jokingly replied.

“Cool. See you in 20 minutes.” I returned my food tray and headed out to the bus stop, time to go back. I had fun throughout the window shopping today. Thank you, IKxA!

Special Thanks To…

– ‘IKxA’ and its creative designers + teams!

–  Tarot card reader (Gurus) for conveying the messages through the universe and spiritual world. I get to learn about Self-Love and Manifestation advice from there. You all have my highest gratitude and respects.  

   Those authors that shared their articles online – I managed to find a lot of useful information from your articles.

– Universe and Spiritual World (also known as Mother Nature) – for guiding me whenever I need it. Even though I can’t see you in 3D, I know and believe that you are somewhere out there. Those messages and hints delivered to me, on the right timing, through all sorts of ‘ways’, really helps me moving forward, bravely.

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