6 thoughts on “Have The Guts And Take The Job! Who Cares About That Paper (Cert.)? Continue…”

    1. Thank you! You’re the First reader that has left me with such an encouraging comment! You made my day. If I wasn’t at work, I would be dancing ‘Baby Shark’ (that my niece learnt from her Pre-School and taught me the other day) in happy mode.
      Love to have you here, cheers!

    1. Thank you for your reading!
      I would like to encourage each of us that works as an employee :
      – To trust yourself more. You can do it! If you find the job ads interesting, just go for interview first, then decide.
      – Even if there’s one or two job scopes that is totally new to you, we just go through the on-job-learning; it’s the company or the superior to guide new hirer. No one knows it all.
      – During interviews, demonstrate what skills you’ve learnt from past employments that could help in your next job (new employer would like to know what ‘benefits’ they could get by having you in their team); what you’d do when you came across something you don’t know, e.g. self-initiative to search for relevant information from internet/ask peer network/ seek advice from professional (new employer would like to know that you can handle the job with least supervision); and dare to ask question(s) to the interview panel to find out more about the job scope (that demonstrates your interest in taking up the job).
      – Observe and feel the interview panels and potential superior’s vibe. Interview session works both ways. If you find their energy is more towards negative / complaining / bias type, that already gives you hint, what type of people you’d work with if you take the job. Trust your intuition 😉
      Thank you once again. Comments are welcome!

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