You’ve Just Treated THEM as Disposable Item

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“Here, wet tissue.”

“After you’re done wiping, throw it to the dustbin.” She says to her child who has just finished his meal.

At the same restaurant, I heard her loud voice. Can’t avoid, as I just sat at the table right next to them.

‘Disposable’ refers to (of an article) intended to be thrown away after use.

How convenient this type of daily-use items in daily chores. A brilliant invention from us, the humans. Isn’t it? No need to take care of it after used; no need to care about its maintenance. Simply get rid of it just by throwing it away. I look at my coffee which I am still stirring it slowly with a tea spoon.

Kong! We need you.”

Optimus Prime! Help us! We, humans, need your help.”

Superman!!! Help!!!”

All these voices that I heard from each superheroes’ movies are echoing in my head, right now…

“Whoo…” Deep breath, I take a deep breath. I really need to… These voices that come at my way, are rather heavy.

The before and after attitude and actions the humans (i.e. the characters in the movies) did towards those life-saving superheroes, are killing me. I just realize, once again, that humans are just so selfish and manipulative! We ask for help, again and again, shamelessly. And when we are back in safe mode, we think of ways to get rid of them, the ones that have just fought all their might to save us. Some heroes even sacrificed their life during the said fight.

How heartless can humans be? To immediately forget about the good deeds others have done for us and think of ways to exile them from our land the very next minute? 

I shift my gaze to the garden view outside the window. Trying to calm my mind for a while. There’s a saying in Mandarin ‘过桥抽板’ (pin yin pronouns as Guo Qiao Chou Ban), could well-described as act actually. By its direct translation, it means ‘take away the wooden-plank after crossing the bridge’. Mandarin words carry deep meaning even within each word. It is quite hard to find the translation that could conveys its true message behind the sentence. The most appropriate and well-fit definition I could get from website, having it translated into English, would be ‘to abandon one’s benefactor upon achieving one’s goal’.

When I need you, I befriended you; when you are no longer useful for me, out you go.

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From my past experiences, I was put in several tests by God, to undergo some ugly encounters that broke my heart. Those tests were valuable experiences for me to learn and to grow stronger each day. When putting my heart on my hands, being a sincere friend, a helpful colleague, a caring family member, sometimes I don’t get similar energy and treatment in returns.

I have been used by those that I held precious for their convenience, benefits, credits and whatever they initially had targeted to get from naive me.

Being used once, is enough. It’s enough. The pain was indescribable. Some, still imprinted on my brain where I can’t forget about it, even after ample time has passed.  

If I were Kong or Optimus Prime, I wouldn’t help humans for the second time. First time being used, I can say that I was the ‘new kid on the block’ that has yet to learn the cunning side of humans. To be used again for the second time, it would be either I never learn from the first occurrence or I willingly let other to use me again and grant them the chance to hurt me again.

I need to wake up!! No more!

“Humans, get lost! Or I’ll smash you into a meatball, right here and now.” I would shout as Kong! Flipping my middle finger while warning those tiny and weak humans who dare to shamelessly ask me for help. Did they forget what they have done to me minutes ago? Happily entering the island that I lived peacefully, they caught me, locked me in the cage, and chained me with those thick steel chains with electric shocks!

And when I was Optimus Prime, humans exiled me and my autobots out from the city and we had no place to hangout but the waste-dumping area, they even tried to shoo me out from planet earth that we just saved for a few times.

“How many autobots have I lost! Know your place, humans!” 

Yes. This is what I, Gloria, would say.

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As humans, we need to know ourselves and our body build. If humans are weak physically compared to aliens from outer space, then face it: we fight them with all we have and with all our might.

If death is the only outcome, then at least we fight for a chance to live. No regrets. We are what we are.

To my superheroes, I want to say this to you (if I ever had a chance to meet the real you):

“Thank you for saving us! You’re my hero!!!” I’d shout out loud at the top of my lungs.

“But please, don’t simply sacrifice yourself for us. It is not your responsibility but the responsibility of the humans worldwide.”

“If you sense risk to your life, retreat!”

“That’s fine. Your life is important too, to you and to your loved ones, isn’t it? So, it is fine to retreat, not a shameful decision or action at all.” A decision made during panic and emergency situations might be irrational and lead to regrets afterwards.

“You don’t have to sacrifice, Ironman. Did you know that I cried like mad when seeing you exhale your last breath?”

“Don’t do that, please. Let’s face the situation or even death together.” I might be weak (physically) but I am not chicken.

If we all die, then let’s meet in the afterworld. V (peace sign).

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