What A Beautiful Tattoo You’ve Got!

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“Wow! He gets another huge tattoo on his arm. What a beautiful tattoo he has…” A photo of a muscular arm with a stylish horse-designed tattoo caught Diana’s eyes. Today was just like another ‘nothing much to do’ Sunday afternoon. Diana, laid on her bed, browsed through some Facebook postings from her friends, in fast speed; knowing that there’s actually nothing much to see or no-value-added, to be précised.

(Well, excuse me for being sarcastic. Other than showing off home-cook food photos and pet photos, what message can those photos convey? I would rather look at life quotes and documentary posts.) Diana commented, in her mind.

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“Nowadays, more and more people in her Facebook friends are getting tattoos on their body, be it men or women. From as small tattoo as a star on their collar bones or as wide as a whole patch in black tattoos like most native Hawaiians have on their body.” She murmured, to the teddy bear that was right next to her, on her bed. That was Diana who was the single child in the family; and one who carried the habit of talking with her plush toys.

“They all look so cool!”

“But… No matter what, I don’t have any intention of getting one for myself. No bias views on those that have tattoos on them. What’s more, when I am scared of the ‘needle-poking’ pain and the likelihood of me getting skin allergy from the tattoo ink. Mostly was mainly due to my perfectionist mindset that kicks in.”

“I would want a beautiful photo or art that would remain the same and able to sustain the passage of time.” Turned to her left, talking to Mr. Rabbit. “Quite a demanding bad habit there, huh?”

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“But anyway… Human does age by the passage of time, inevitably, that’s the way universe works. That tightened skin at youth age has now becoming a little sloppy skin of human somehow changes the presentation of the artwork.” She lurched from the bed and sat at the side of the bed. She swung and kicked her feet lightly to the air.

“I once saw the tattoos on some grandpas, the beautiful face of the sexy lady tattoo that they had on their arm when they were at young age, has become a frown and witchy-look woman! You get what I mean?” No reply. Of course, there won’t be. Her parents are out in town and she is home alone, with a bunch of her plushie friends.

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“Well, it’s me. It all boils down to my perfectionist desires! I want to have the same artwork that is in its best presentable condition and well-preserved. Look at those brilliant paintings and famous sculptures kept for ages in the museums; name it, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo’s the statue of David. I hope more generations in the future can still have the chances to see these masterpieces.” She kept talking to the air. How comfortable she was, to be fully indulged in her own world.

“Teddy, if one day, I’m into the mood of matching my outfit with a tattoo, I would just get my hands on those tattoo stickers. It’s removable and washable. One, it is just to fulfil my ‘just-for-a-day’ desires and two, it is hassle-free, isn’t it?”

“Apply some hand lotion and keep up with your exercise routine, would you?” Diana said to that macho male friend of her. Jack, was the guy who had gotten himself that horse-designed tattoo, and shared his photos on Facebook last week. They met up for coffee in the neighbourhood. They were childhood friends cum neighbour.

“Hmm? What, hand lotion?” He asked.

“I wish to see those tattoo artworks in their best way when we’re getting old then as well.” She replied with a smile while Jack rolled his eyes.

“Ha-ha…” Diana’s laughter echoing in the restaurant. Childhood friends can talk about anything. Jack was, literally, as if her brother. 

Another cosy afternoon, they spent together.

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Whisper from the author…

Weeks later, I happened to see an illustration image that could best describe what I intend to convey. I can’t stop laughing when I secretly snapping that photo, in the bus. See photo below.

“Ha-ha…” Exactly the image I had in mind – When one aged, what would happen to their tattoos?

Are those gorillas on her socks? Oh no, Monalisa...

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